Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning around nine and get ready for the day, my back is killing me from sleeping on the floor. "Gosh, I can't wait for a bed" I say out loud to myself. I am starving but don't have any food in the house so I grab my bag and head for the front door.

As soon as I open it I nearly jump out of my skin because Patrick is standing right there about to knock. He laughs a little but then apologizes for scaring me, his smile makes me smile. He looks good, even better than yesterday. How is that possible? He starts to ask me a question but before he can get it out I am pushing my tongue between his lips. He doesn't hesitate to reciprocate, he runs his hands down my back as he pushes me inside closing the door behind us. I drop my bag on the floor and just start taking my own clothes off, he does the same.

Patrick reaches down and grabs my ass with both hands and lifts me up with ease, I wrap my legs around him as he pushes my back against the living room wall. It takes a little effort but he finally slides deep inside of me. He uses the wall for as much leverage as he can but it isn't the easiest position to be in.

I get him to put me down and I pull him into the kitchen, where I get on my tip toes and lean over the counter giving him a great view of my ass. He knows exactly what I want and before I know it he is holding on to my shoulder with one hand and my hip with the other slamming his cock inside of me with such force I come about three times in two minutes.

I am basically screaming out in sheer pleasure when he whispers in my ear, "you're so tight and wet, I am close."

"Come for me," I breathe.

I can't move from the counter, my body has a mind of its own. All of my muscles are tense and my breath sporadic and heavy. I can feel his forehead press against my shoulder and his dick twitching inside of me.

We slowly get dressed even though I don't think either of us want to. I look at him and he finally asked me the question, "Want to get breakfast with me Quinn?"

With a smile I grab my bag and we head downstairs to my car, as we get in he tells me a good place to eat.

It is strange in the car, neither one of us have a lot to say. Once we park and get seated Patrick really starts to open up. He tells me he is twenty six and his uncle owns Palm Gardens. He is actually living in the first floor unit next to the office, it is temporary because he was working on becoming a screenwriter.

I find myself very attracted to him but I can't help but think something is a little off. He's charming and funny but his eyes don't always match what he is saying, like he is lying or hiding something.

"What are your plans for today?" he asks while sipping his orange juice.

"I have to go furniture shopping. I am sure you noticed I still don't have any" I can feel myself blushing as I say that.

"Do you want company?"

"Yea of course. I mean I don't think it will be much fun though."

"I'm sure we can find a way to make it fun" he says with a wink.

Once we finish breakfast we head to the furniture store. Patrick does manage to find way to make shopping more fun. It ends up being about 3 hours of nonstop teasing and foreplay. Every once in a while he walks up behind me and whispers something in my ear sending goose bumps down my whole body. He doesn't even say anything sexy, it's always something like oh look at that couch or dresser.

He also lightly runs his hand down my back to my ass and just squeezes it. When we end up in a less populated part of the store he pushes me up against a wall and kisses me so hard and deep my body trembles. This is getting ridiculous. I am so wet it has soaked through my thong, I want him badly.

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