Chapter 1

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I'm woken by the annoying blaring of my alarm clock. I open my eyes and immediately shut them realizing the blinds are open with the sun shining brightly in my eyes. Looking at the time on the clock I lazily roll out of bed walking over to my closet grabbing a towel and my clothes for the day and heading to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

————————15 minutes later——————-
Stepping out of the shower I wrap myself in a towel and begin blow drying my hair. I'm too lazy to style it, guess i'm going all natural today. I then quickly throw on a pair of ripped jeans with a maroon crop top, pairing it with my favorite pair of boots. I take a look at my face realizing how wrecked I look from not sleeping well and decide to throw on some concealer and light eye makeup. Pleased with how I look I quickly run downstairs into the kitchen, being greeted by my mother,
"Good Morning, Y/N! Did you sleep well?"
Damn, why's she always so happy in the morning?
"Morning mom, what's for breakfast?" I ask ignoring her question knowing she'd scold me for not sleeping.
"I'm running late for work so I didn't have time to make anything. Can you find something quick before you leave?" she asks giving me an apologetic look.
"Yeah, don't worry about it" I respond waving it off.
"Alright well I'm gonna head out. Have a good day, bye!" she blows me a kiss and quickly leaves the house. I walk over to the pantry and grab a pop tart, throwing it in my bag to eat once I'm at school.
—————————At School————————
I enter through the huge glass double doors. Welcome to Hell, I think to myself while walking to my locker. After spinning and entering the last number I open my locker and out falls a note. A clean, crisp white and neatly folded note slowly falls eventually reaching the ground. I crouch down, picking up the near perfectly looking note and begin to slowly unfold it. I open it and all it says in big bolded letters is the word FREAK. Do they honestly think I'm bothered by this? I think to myself while rolling my eyes and walking to the nearest trash can, throwing the note away. I walk back to locker, grab the things needed for the first 3 periods and slam my locker shut. Once I reach Mr. Min's class I basically full on sprint to my seat, not wanting anyone to talk to me. I start taking out the materials needed for class along with my sketch book and begin to work on the sketch I started last night. I take out a random pencil and begin shading behind the mans fingers (the picture being a couple holding hands). Getting lost in my work I didn't even notice the students starting to pile in. I start putting away my work as class was beginning to start. As Mr. Min goes on about the importance of commas, the classroom door is loudly slammed shut and standing there is a random guy. Well shit, he's kinda cute, oh my lord! my brain needs to shut up. He shyly starts entering the classroom as all eyes are on him, walking towards Mr.Min.
"Class, it looks like we have a new student! Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr.Min asks the boy.
"No thanks.."
"Well...okay then. Class this is Park Jimin! Please treat him nicely." Mr. Min announces.
I pay no attention to the boy as all the girls in class are fangirling over how hot he is.
"Jimin, why don't you go sit by Y/N? Y/N please raise your hand." Mr.Min suggests.
I sit there a minute processing what he said before slowly and lazily raising my hand. Jimin basically runs to his seat, hitting a few of his fan girls in the face with his book bag. Him and I exchange a few glances and awkward smiles throughout the period but no words were exchanged.
—————————-After Class——————————
I hear the bell that I love so much ring and immediately begin packing up my things. I shove all my shit in my bag and quickly stand up. As I'm about to leave the classroom I feel someone grab my wrists and instantly feel a panic attack coming on. I hastily pull away and turn to see who dared to touch me...Jimin.
"Don't touch me!" I say gritting my teeth trying to hold back my tears.
"Sorry. I'm Jimin, Park Jimin." he holds his hand out for me to shake it but I simply stare at it for a good five seconds before saying,
"Yeah, I know."
He awkwardly puts his hand down, shoving it in his pocket.
"So what's your name?" He shyly asks.
"L/N Y/N" I say in a monotoned voice.
He just nods his head. There's an awkward silence until he breaks it,
"What's your next class?"
"Science. What about you?"
"Me too! Wanna walk together?"
I just stare blankly at his face, thinking before saying
We begin walking down the hallway when a thought hits you Wait, Y/N why'd you say yes?! The whole student body knows not to touch you and why but he doesn't. What if he touches you again? I internally start freaking out and I think Jimin sensed that. He turns to face me,
"Y/N, are you okay?" he asks worriedly while putting his hands on my shoulders....
His hands on my shoulders...
His hands are on my shoulders. Shit.
I can feel the sweat start streaming from my face as I begin shaking, feeling the tears start falling on my cheeks. I can hear Jimin yelling, asking if I'm okay but I can't answer because every time I open my mouth to answer all that's audible are my sobs. I slowly fall on the floor, crying even harder. All the sudden I hear someone yelling at Jimin and the next thing I know Jimin is on the floor as punches are being thrown...
Heyyy what's up? So this is my first story (yeah no shit idiot). What's y'all think? Am i a shitty writer? Thanks for reading. See y'all soon.

btw ik ik it's shit. but it'll get better.

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