Chapter 10

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My hand has collided with Taehyung's face for about the tenth time. I'm seeing red and I cant stop punching him. All of the anger and pain that's been building up is finally being released.
I snap out of whatever trance I'm in and look at Taehyung's face. His nose is bleeding, bruises all over his face and his eye is almost swollen shut. Feeling satisfied I get off of him and walk out of the classroom, my classmates dumbfounded at what just went down. As I'm walking down the hall a sudden sharp pain hits my hand. I look at my knuckles and realized my hand is cut up and bleeding.
"Y/N! Y/N, wait up!" I hear a familiar voice yelling. Jimin. I decide to just ignore him and keep walking, not wanting to talk to anyone. I make a left down a hallway and walk into the ladies room. I walk over to a paper towel dispenser and take out a hefty amount of paper towels. I walk over to one of the four sinks and run the paper towels under the cold water coming from the faucet. After wringing out the excess water I begin to clean the wounds on my knuckles.
             As I'm doing that I hear loud footsteps coming towards me so I look over and am shook by who's in here.
"Jimin, what the hell are you doing in here?" I say shook.
"That doesn't matter! What the hell was that?!" He says with a stern voice.
"What was what?" I ask, trying to act innocent.
"Don't play dumb. You know, the whole beating Taehyung's ass to a pulp thing?" He yelled.
"He brought up the whole JJ thing and I couldn't control myself." I explained while wincing from the stinging coming from my knuckles.
"You know Y/N, I'm starting to believe this whole Haphephobia thing is a lie. I mean between beating Taehyung and me holding you last night, you don't seem too afraid of being touched." I said crossing his arms and smirking. Is this bitch asking for a beating too? I thought to myself. I slam my hand on the sides of the sinks, hard, and turn to look at Jimin.
"I know you did not just question that. Jimin, anger completely took over my body a few minutes ago. That literally wasn't me, some evil twin or some shit came out of me and the only reason I had you hold me last night was because MY FUCKING RAPIST SHOWED UP AT MY FRIENDS HOUSE, TRYING TO TAKE ME. THEN THAT SAME FRIEND ALMOST BEATING HIM TO DEATH. Although, I shouldn't even consider you my friend since you're questioning me and calling me a liar." I snapped. I throw my bloody paper towels in the trash can and ran out of the bathroom, tears streaming down my face. Fuck this. I'm out of here, I thought to myself. I need my mom, knowing she's the only one who's gonna know what to say and do in this situation. As I'm walking towards the exit I hear,
"Yo bitch! Where you think you're going?" From no one other than Jungkook. I turn around to see his ugly ass and Yoongi. I mean his face isn't ugly but his personality is, making him ugly as hell.
"What do y'all want now?" I say annoyed.
"You think you can just beat Taehyung up and get away with it?" Yoongi says with a cold expression on his face.
"Do you twats have any idea what he did to me?" I ask crossing my arms.
"Yeah. He sent some guy to Jimin's house to see you. What's the big deal?" Jungkook says making a bitch please face.
"Do you incompetent tools know who that guy was?" I say crossing my arms. They both look at each other and shake their heads.
"My rapist. Taehyung sent my god damn rapist to Jimin's house so he could take me. Then he walked his ass over to me and had the audacity to start joking about it. So, I don't think Taehyung is as innocent as you think he is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going home." I say and turn on my heels, leaving the shook Jungkook and Yoongi behind.

This chapter was probably shitty as hell and I'm sorry. I literally pulled this out of my ass out of nowhere. But on some real shit, we gotta talk. I can't post daily, having 1000+ words in each chapter. Between school, work and taking care of my grandma it's almost impossible. If you guys want daily updates then each chapter will be shorter. But I can guarantee they will have no less that 500 words each chapter. AND ON ANOTHER NOTE I HAVE SEVERE WRITERS BLOCK. so if y'all wanna message me some ideas feel free to. Or if u just wanna talk that's cool too. Also, I'm too lazy to proof read and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense. Anyways....late as hell and I pulled this out of my ass somehow. So NIGHT BITCHES ❤️

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