Chapter 5

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"What? Do I gotta say it again? When I was 14, my stepbrother raped me." I say looking at him with a blank expression.
"Oh my god..I'm so sorry, Y/N" Jimin said looking at me with pity in his eyes.
"No. Don't pity me. It's not a big deal. One night my step brother tied me up and raped me. It's in the past." I said with the same blank expression.
"Okay, Y/N. I'm gonna need you to explain. I'm so confused." He said holding his head in his hands.
"Jesus, okay fine. Well when I was 6 my dad died in a car accident. My mom moved on a few years later when I was 10, marrying the man who was my step-dad, his name was something stupid.....Oh yeah! Richard (sorry to any Richards out there. your name ain't stupid it's just the first name that popped into my chipmunk brain <3). He had a son who was 3 years older than me. The first few years were fine, we got along well, never fought often and everything was almost perfect. Then one night, I was in my room watching some kdrama, when he came in and locked the door. When I asked him what he was doing he said what he always wanted. He took my phone and threw it across the room and pulled out rope and began to tie me up. I'm sure you can imagine what happened after that."
Jimin looked at me with a confused expression.
"Jesus, are you STILL confused?"
"No, just curious now."
"Did your mom ever find out?"
"Yeah. She left Richard as soon as she found out."
"Hmm. Got it." Jimin said nodding his head, still looking confused.
"JESUS, JIMIN! What are you confused about now?" I said chuckling.
"I'm just confused about how you got happihobia."
"Haphephobia, you mean haha. Well, that obviously traumatized me. I don't really know, I guess the trauma scarred me and I just developed it. Does that make sense?" I asked, my eyes glued to the ground.
"Yeah, it does.......Thank you for sharing with me, Y/N. I won't tell anyone." He said giving me a slight smile.
"It doesn't matter. Everyone already knows." I said, eyes still glued to the ground, tears falling down my checks.
"What?" Jimin said, looking pissed.
"I had this fake ass friend, I told her, she ran her mouth to everyone." I said. Jimin just nodded his head looking away. I look up at his face, taking in his features. Damn, I never realized how hot he is, I think to myself while looking at his defined jawline and full lips. NO Y/N SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT, RN! I look down, shaking my head in disappointment.
"You wanna start heading home?" I hear Jimin suddenly ask. I look back at him and nod my head, wiping away the tears that continued to slip down my cheeks.
————————-At Home (its nighttime lol)——-
  I think that was the awkwardest thing I've ever experienced. The walk home with Jimin consisted of silence and glances at each other. No words were exchanged.
I'm sitting on my bed, playing angry birds on my phone when I hear a light tapping on my window. What the hell is that? I think to myself while getting up and heading towards the window. I open the curtains and look out my window, my eyes immediately growing in shock. I open my window and yell,
"Keep quiet idiot! Do you want the whole neighborhood to hear you?"
"Sorry....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I whisper yell at him.
"I realized I didn't have your number. So I came back."
"And why do you need my number?" I said giving him a bitch please look.
"Well I just thought we were friends, that's all." He said. I could see his expression change from a normal one to a hurt one. He starts turning away when I spit out,
"Wait! Hold on, I'll come downstairs." I quickly exits my room and make my way downstairs. I open my door and see a smiling Jimin holding his phone out.
"Someone's eager" I say chuckling, taking his phone in my hand and saving my number. I hand his phone back to him and say,
"There ya go. Did you wanna come in or...?"
"Just for a second. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" He asked.
"Nah man, c'mon in." I say opening the door wider and stepping aside so he could come in. Jimin gives me a confused look.
"Oh, if you go up the stairs it's the second door on your left." I say pointing to the stair case. He gives me a slight smile and makes his way up the stairs.
A few minutes later he comes back down and says,
"Thanks for letting me use your bathroom. I should get going before my mom loses her shit, haha. See ya! He says while leaving my house.
"See ya."
            I head back upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed.
"What the hell did I just do? Y/N, what's wrong with you?!" say to myself, rolling over placing my face in my pillow screaming,
"FREAKING IDIOT!" I roll back over and close my eyes, falling asleep.
—————————-Next Day at School————————
             I get out of my car and start making my way towards the doors when suddenly Jimin appeared next to me.
"Hey, Y/N. What's up?" He asked me with a big smile on his face.
"Oh hey. Not much, how about you?" I asked.
Him and I continued to make small talk when I hear someone clearing their throat behind me. I turn around to see Taehyung.
"Oh hey, Tae. What's up?" I asked him with a smile.
"I need to talk to alone." He said with a cold tone and a dark expression. I turn back to Jimin and say,
"Jimin, I'll catch you later alright?"
He just nodded and began to walk away. I turn back to Taehyung and ask him,
"Tae, what's wro-"
"Why are you all the sudden so friendly with Jimin?" he asked cutting me off.
"What do you mean? Tae, what's gotten into you?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Oh don't tell me you're screwing him. And get your dirty hands off of me!" He yelled.
"Taehyung, are you crazy? Of course I'm not screwing him. What's your problem?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"Sorry, I gotta go. I don't associate myself with sluts." he said and walked off. The tears finally escape my eyes and they don't stop. I begin sobbing uncontrollably in the middle of the parking lot.

       Heyyy. So i wanna clear something up real quick. With some cases, people who suffer from haphephobia can touch people who they are close with. that's the case with y/n. she feels comfortable enough with taehyung. anyway bye!

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