Chapter 7

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I can hear Jimin speaking but my brain isn't processing it. All I'm focused on is that fact that Taehyung kissed me. I'm crying, shaking and sweating. I'm trying to calm myself down but I can't. I'm starting to hyperventilate and I think Jimin and Taehyung finally noticed because all of the sudden Jimin is in my face and his lips are moving, but I still can't hear him. Out of nowhere I hear Jimin yelling,
"Y/N! Listen to me. You need to calm down before you pass out. Follow my breathing, okay? In.....and out. In......and out..." I listen to him and I slowly start calming down. Enough so to weakly say,
"Thank you..."
"Y/N, what happened?" Jimin asks with a concerned expression on his face.
"None of your business." I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I turn my head to the left to see Jungkook smirking. Th anger in me rising again, I snap,
"Listen bitch, I've had enough of your shit. Shut the hell up, will ya?!" while walking over to him with a fist in the air, ready to punch him. Realizing what I was about to do, I quickly put my hand down and turn to Jimin saying,
"Jimin, will you take me home?"
"Y/N, I can take you home!" I hear Taehyung yell.
"No! You've done enough." I snap back. I walk out of the cafeteria, Jimin following behind me.
"Y/N are you sure you're okay?" Jimin asks. I turn to him and say,
"Honestly? No. I'm not. My best friend thinks I'm a slut, that same best friend is in love with me apparently and as if that's not enough, that very same best friend kissed me. And that all happened in like 0.2 seconds."
Jimin lowers his head and whispers,
"I'm sorry."
"Oh it's not your fault, Jimin! Don't be sorry....Hey, I don't really wanna be alone right now, wanna go somewhere?" I say smiling. Jimin's head instantly pops right back up and he nods his head vigorously.
Damn, how didn't he get whiplash just now? I think to myself.
"Where do you wanna go?" Jimin asks with a slight smile on his face.
"I don't care." I ask shaking my head.
"My place?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. I cant help but laugh because he looks like a dork.
"Yeah, sure. You wanna drive?" I say while holding up my keys. Instead of responding using his words he just snatches my keys and begins running out of the school.
"YOU DONT KNOW WHICH CAR IS MINE!" I yell to him as he's halfway down the hall.
"ILL FIGURE IT OUT!" He yells back. This hoe is funny, he thinks I'm running after him.
HA! I think to myself whiling shaking my head and start walking to catch up to the running Jimin.
——Time Skip to Jimin's house cuz i'm too lazy——
Jimin pulls up to this beautiful mansion and my jaw instantly drops.
"This is your house?" I asks, my jaw still hanging wide open.
"Yes, now close your mouth before you catch flies."
He asks while chuckling.
"Let's go inside." Jimin says with a sly smirk on his face.

another short ass, boring ass chapter cuz i suck lol. this was just a filler chapter ya know. i'm tired as hell. sorry not sorry. in the next chapter maybe some shit will go down, maybe not. idk yet. bye ❤️

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