Chapter 14

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Blank. My mind is blank. I had yet to process what just happened. I sit up on the bed and feel a pain in my lower region. Then it hit me. JJ raped me. Tears instantly flood my eyes and I start shaking. I look down at my body and notice the bruises that covered my skin. Looking at the bruises reminded me of all the pain he caused me, making me sob even more.
After a good five minutes of sobbing uncontrollably, I slowly got up and began putting my clothes back on. I walk over to the door but before I could put my hand on the door nob flashbacks hit me. I started crying yet again and opened the door and ran out. I take a sharp right and begin to run down the stairs.
I'm halfway down the stairs when my dumbass forgets how to walk and falls down the steps. All the drunk teenagers near me start laughing uncontrollably until they hear my sobs and realize I'm crying.
"Omg, are you okay?"
"Do you need help?"
"Is she good?"
I hear the strangers talking to me but I ignore them and stand up. I'm about to start walking away when 4 girls run up to me.
"Come with us." the girl with bangs and brown hair says, I think her name is Lisa? I'm not sure. They go to school with me so they already know about my phobia. I quietly follow behind them.
They take me to another random room and shut the door.
"Are you okay?" Lisa asked with a worried expression on her face.
"No!" I yell while sobbing into my hands.
"What happened?" Rosé asked while crossing her arms.
"I-I was r-raped, then my dumbass fell down the damn stairs." I said, instantly regretting it because I just told them what happened.
"WHAT?!" they all yell in unison.
"Just forget I said anything." I said. I stand up getting ready to leave when out of nowhere Jennie pops up and says,
"Awe hell no, what did you just say?" while pointing her finger in front of my face with her eyebrow raised.
"I was raped..." I said quietly while sitting down.
"By who?" Jisoo asked.
"Y'all wouldn't know him. He's in college. I don't know how he was even invited." I said putting my head in my hands.
"Namjoon is friends with a lot of college guys, he probably invited him." Lisa said, obviously pissed off.
"Did you come here with anyone? Do you have a ride home?" Rosé asked said sitting next to me, but not too close.
"Yeah, Jimin." I said picking my head up to look at her.
"Wait, Park Jimin?" Lisa asked with a curious expression.
"Yeah why?" I said with a confused tone.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but he left with a girl a while ago after being caught in bed with her." Jennie said, pity in her voice.
"What?!" I yelled, anger rising in me. Lisa pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of Jimin basically sucking some girls face off. Realizing what a douche he was I snapped.
"OKAY OKAY WE GET IT!" I was interrupted by all of them yelling with their hands covering their ears.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"We were just about to leave, do you want a ride home?" Jisoo asked while putting her hair in a ponytail.
"If you guys don't mind, that'd be great." I said tiredly.
"It's no problem, let's go."

————————-At home———————-
I enter the house and carefully shut the door so I don't wake my mother up. I make my way up the stairs and into my bathroom. I shed all my clothes off and look in the mirror. I'm covered head to toe in ugly, dark bruises. I cover my mouth so my gasps and yells are muffled and continue to look at myself as my eyes get blurry from the tears.
I turn my body towards the shower and get in. I begin to scrub myself until my skin is raw.

I hop out, quickly dry myself off, change into sweatpants and a t-shirt and head to bed.

That night, I cried myself to sleep.

——Next morning @ school cuz i'm a lazy author—

I'm walking to lunch when I hear a very familiar voice call out to me.
"Y/N! Wait up!" I turn around to see no one other than Jimin. I scoff and turn around, walking towards the cafeteria. I'm almost there when Jimin pops out in front of me.
"Yo, why'd you ignore me?" He asked with an annoyed expression on his face.
"I don't know, why'd you go home with that girl last night?" I snapped, with lots of attitude in my voice. Jimin's face instantly dropped.
"Ya know, not only did you fuck some girl after telling me you have feelings for me, you ditched me at the party alone, with strangers who don't know about me and my phobia. AND to make everything even better, while you were getting laid, I was getting raped by JJ. So thank you so much Jimin." I said in a low, serious voice. I scared the shit out of myself so I can't even imagine how Jimin must feel.
"What?" He said in a quiet voice.
"I hope you have a nice life, Jimin." I stated and walked away.
I ended up eating lunch with Lisa, Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo that day.

A/N- hey i'm not dead. just lazy and busy hehe. sorry if this is rushed. just wanted to get this out. Ignore spelling/grammar mistakes and if shit doesn't make sense i'm sorry. bye 👋🏽

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