Chapter 3

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"Fine..." Jimin whispered while pulling out a chair to sit next to me. He was really close, a little too close.
"Jimin, move over. You're too close." I spat while looking at the small space separating us. He gave me a questioning look, still sitting too close to me.
"Jimin, freaking move over!" I hear Taehyung say while gritting his teeth. Jimin rolled his eyes while moving over.
"So Y/N, I'm gonna ask you again. Why did you freak out when I touched you?" Jimin asked with a smirk, knowing he's pissing me off. I know this bitch did not just ask me that question again, I thought to myself while staring at the food on my tray. I chose to ignore his question and start talking to Taehyung.
"So Tae, how'd your science test go this morning?"
"Eh, half the shit on there Mrs. Lee didn't even teach us."
"Y/N, answer my question!" I hear Jimin yell from the side.
I turn and look at him, then back at Taehyung saying,
"Tae, lets go. And Jimin I swear if you follow us I'll drop kick you into next week." I was bluffing, but he didn't need to know that.

Dismissal was right after lunch so after we left Jimin at the table we decided to go to a park down the street from the school.
"Y/N, we need to talk.." Taehyung said with a serious tone.
"Okay, what's up?"
"I hate to bring this up but, why won't you tell Jimin about your Haphephobia? And before you get mad, yes I know he's an asshole but he bound to find out eventually. " Taehyung said while staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact with me. I look away from Taehyung thinking, I don't know, to myself. Then it dawned on me,
"Because everyone at school knows what happened to me and why I'm like this. Jimin doesn't." I say staring at the little kids chasing each other in the distance.
"But he's bound to find out eventually," Taehyung responds while looking up at me.
"Yeah, I know. But until then there's one person in that school who doesn't know my business. To one person I'm not known as THAT girl. For once, I actually have a chance to become friends with someone without them feeling like they're walking on eggshells around me." I say with tears in my eyes.
"I understand that Y/N but-"
"No, Taehyung you don't!" I cut him off, continuing "Everyone loves you! Nobody thinks you're a freak, nobody knows your deepest, darkest secret. You don't know..." I say while sobbing.
"Shh..shhh it's okay. You're right. Okay? Calm down...shhh" Taehyung says in a soft voice, trying to calm me down.
          After about 5 minutes I finally start calming down.
"Y/N, wouldn't you want him to find out from you? That way you know he knows the truth and nothing but the truth?" Taehyung asks me in a calming voice.
"Yeah...but I don't wanna tell him right now." I say tiredly from all the crying.
"Alright. You can tell him tomorrow. Let's get you home."

This chapter is wayyyyy shorter than usual but that's only because i thought this was a good place to stop.

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