Chapter 15

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Ally came to pick you up, and a bunch of your other friends were in the car too. By the time you had gotten to the party, you had pretty much explained the shortest version possible of your relationship with Niall, gone through a little fangirling, and made them promise not to fangirl at the party. These were close friends of yours and you knew you could trust them, but you weren’t sure how the party was going to go.

As soon as you got there, there were people swarming all over you. Guys flirting, girls fangirling, all you really wanted to do was have a little fun. It was stressing you out, so you went to grab a drink. You knew it was illegal, but you seriously needed to loosen up. You washed back what was probably the second beer of your life, and went looking for something stronger.

“Better slow down, Kate!” Ally yelled over the music. “You don’t know how to handle your alcohol!”. Ally was more experienced than you were, and you were pretty sure she learned a lot more of how to handle alcohol when out with Harry. You kind of wished your relationship was under the radar like theirs.

You found some tequila, and told Ally,

“Just stop me when I’m out.” As you drank the tequila.

Then, you spit it back up. It was awful. You thought the beer was bad, but you definitely shouldn’t be going around downing tequila without knowing what you’re doing. You brushed it off by laughing, and decided to stick with beer for the rest of the night.

There was a dancefloor at the party, and you and the rest of your friends headed to it. You and Niall had already had a conversation about how to handle being apart, and you knew that having a couple of dances with some other guys would be alright. You danced with some random guys, and then one gorgeous guy came up and asked you to dance. You figured, hey, why not, but you still felt like there was something wrong with him. After the song, the guy looked at you.

“Hey, so, you’re the girl whos dating that superstar, right?”

“Oh, um yeah, Niall Horan. That’s me.”

“It must be hard having him be away so much.”

“yeah, I mean, its definitely not easy but we get through it.”

“I’m in a long distance relationship too, I definitely know how it feels.”

Finally, someone who would understand.

“Oh, you are? Where is your girlfriend?”

“She’s in Massachusetts, I can’t visit her very often though.”

“Wow, how did you guys meet?”

“Oh, you don’t want to hear my life story. Would you like to dance again?”

You got another weird feeling, but this guy was nice, you might as well dance with him again. You felt like it was cool that you two were in the same situation.

This time, the dancing was different. You danced just the same as before, but this time he was touchier. He didn’t do anything inappropriate, but he grapsed your hips longer, and tighter, and pulled you closer to him. After the song, he asked for you number, and you gave it to him.

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