Chapter 16

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You and Ally got home, and you told her about the guy.

            “He was really nice and everything, but something was weird.”

            “You’re probably just paranoid, Katie”, Ally said. “Guys can be nice without wanting something. Besides, you said he had a girlfriend.”

            “Yeah, I know, I just think it was the way he was dancing. Like he was way too into it.”

            “Katie, you’re supposed to be into it. Damn, it’s like you’ve never been in a relationship before. Believe me, he was probably just excited to meet someone in his situation.”

            “You’re right” you sighed. “I’m going to bed, its late.” Ally agreed, and you both laid down to fall asleep. You picked up your phone to check it.

            Two texts.

            The first one said “Goodnight love :) Hope u had a great time, talk to u 2morrow! Xx Niall”

            The second one said “Great meeting you, tonight, lets talk sometime. Mark”

            You just realized you had never even learned his name. You sent “xx” back to Niall, and a “you too” back to Mark. You were too lazy for anything more. Then you went to sleep.

            You and Niall talked all weekend. Mark sent you a couple texts, but you barely replied. He was a nice guy, but you still felt a weird twinge. You told Niall about him, but left out the intense dancing part, you didn’t want to make him jealous.

            Monday at school, you saw Mark in the hallways. You tried to avoid him, but he saw you too.

            “Katie!!” He looked really happy to see you.

            “Hi, Mark”. You said it quietly, but he didn’t notice. He walked you to your next class, and found you outside after. He ended up walking you around all day. You began to think that maybe he was just a nice guy. A really nice guy.

            Mark continued to do this all week, and Ally just kept telling you it was harmless. Your texts to Mark were becoming more frequent, and by the time Friday came around, you guys had gotten pretty close.

            You still thought something was weird, but you felt guilty for even thinking about it.

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