Chapter 6

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You’re back at the hotel before you know it, and once again being escorted by Paul up to Niall’s room. You guys ride the elevator together, but Paul gets off just before the top floor to take care of some other business, leaving you and Niall alone.

            “So,” Niall starts, “remember what your poster said at the concert?”

            As you begin to blush and reply, the elevator door opens to a maid, who immediately recognizes Niall and asks for a picture. With the moment ruined, you two return to the hotel room. Niall opens the hotel room door, and you had almost forgotten that Ally had stayed with the rest of the boys all day. You wish you had had time to get to know all of the boys too, but your day with Niall was better than anything. It’s only about 3:30, since the paparazzi cut your date short, but when you walk in, everyone is pretty much passed out on the couch watching a movie you’ve never heard of. You notice Harry has his arm around Ally, and she’s resting her head on his shoulder. Interesting.

            Niall walks straight to the kitchen, motioning for you to follow him. He grabs some pots and pans, and signals to start clashing them together. As the noise fills the room, your laughter can barely be heard over it.

            “Wake up, lads!” Niall yells.

            The sleepy boys begin to stir, and Ally looks up to see Harry’s newly awakened face. You can tell by her expression that she’s surprised and her breath is taken away. You smile to yourself, thinking about how crazy things have been these past couple of days.

            A yawning Zayn looks up and asks, “How was the date, loves?” You have to admit, his morning voice is hella sexy. You look at Niall, and he looks back at you, smiling.

            “It was wonderful, but it got cut short. We’ll have to make up for it on the second date.”

            The second date. Niall enjoyed your first date enough to go on a second with you. You looked around the room, obviously blushing, as the boys give you some suggestive looks. Suddenly, Louis’ phone buzzes.

            “El just saw the twitpics of you and Katie, Niall. Her and Dani want to know if theres a new girl for the girlfriend club”.

            “Oh I-no I can’t. Eleanor and Danielle?” You look at Liam. You’ve just now gotten used to being around these boys in person, but Eleanor and Danielle? That’s a whole other story.

            Liam smiles. “They’d love you, Kate.”

            So many things are running through your mind. I’ve been dating Niall for two days. Not even. One day. 2 hours. Dani and El have been around for years. How are they already introducing me to the girlfriend’s club?

            Niall saw the worry on your face.

            “Babe, I understand if this is going too fast, but just know that we are happy to welcome you in to every part of our family.”

            You couldn’t help but smile, Niall was so sweet. So were the rest of the boys. If you could just live this moment forever, you would have. Unfortunately, you knew soon Niall would be moving on to different states, and you had no idea how things were going to work.

            The boys decided to put in another unknown movie, and you all sat down to watch it. Niall pulled you close, and you saw Ally and Harry getting snuggly too. You were afraid Liam and Louis would invite the girls, you just weren’t ready for all that yet, but it ended up being just you guys. Every once in a while Niall would pull you in just a little tighter. It was driving you crazy. After the movie was done, you all began to talk about where the boys were headed next.

            “Well,” Harry said, “ We’re going to L.A. in two weeks, you’re from California right?”

            Suddenly everything felt better. The boys may be leaving tomorrow, but in two weeks, you could make the 40 minute trip down to L.A., and you’d see Niall again. You would see them all again, but you would see Niall again. Niall caught on to exactly what you were thinking.

            “Yes, she is” he said with a smile, “and she’s going to come visit us for sure, right?”

            “Of course I am”.

            You and Ally spent the rest of the night talking with the boys, and said your goodbyes as they went out that back exit to their bus, and they were off to the airport. You and Ally left the next day, filled with stories to tell your friends and family back home.

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