Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

This time, you were going up, not down. Not down to a concert with a thousand other girls, but up to Niall Horan’s hotel room. He was taking you on a date. None of this seemed real. As the elevator slowly ascended up, you looked at Ally.

            “This isn’t a good idea. What if it’s a joke. This is One Direction… no way this is real.”

            “Katie. This is real. I was there. You are going to his hotel room, and you are going to lunch, okay?”

            The elevator doors opened, and there you were, on the top floor. Floor 20. You looked for “room 10” but realized there were only two doors on the whole floor, one that said 2010 and one that said 2020. You went to 2010, but nervously knocked. At first, no one answered. You looked at your watch. 1:25. Were you too early? Should you have gotten here exactly at 1:30? Saving you from your own thoughts, none other than Liam Payne opened the door.

            “Well hello there, love. You’re here for Niall, am I right?”

            Louis walked up, and said “Well of course she is, Liam.” Then, in his best “Spin the Harry” announcer voice, yelled, “Here’s NIALL!”

            Niall walked from around the corner, wearing a red polo that just happened to match your dress perfectly. You’d never seen anything more lovely than him walking towards you. He stopped, and did a not so discreet updown on you, but you could tell it wasn’t in a sexual way. He looked at you and said

            “Wow, Katie, you look beautiful”.

            It was like angels singing in your ears.

            Harry and Zayn came out of their bedrooms, too, and said hello to you. After a couple minutes of barely awkward small talk, Niall said,

            “Well, we should probably get going, we’re gonna have to do a lot to avoid the paparazzi”.

            You had forgotten. This was going to be no normal date. If the internet already knew Niall had begun seeing someone, who knew what would happen after a date.

            Ally nudged your arm and said she should probably get going, but as she walked to the door, Harry grabbed her arm.

            “Why don’t we let the pretty lady stay?”, He said cheekily.

            The other boys agreed, and you were surprised Ally was able to stay standing. She beamed at you as Niall took your arm and led you out the door. You were greeted by Paul, who walked you guys to a back exit you had never knew existed, though you’d been to this hotel a million times. Even though you were going out the back, there were a couple of those die-hard directioners who were waiting there for you. Niall waved but didn’t stop. Through your sunglasses, you recognized a couple of them from the concert. You wondered if they recognized you. You and Niall hopped into a limousine, and the car took off.

            Not 30 seconds into the ride, your phone buzzed. Ally was sending you screenshots of tweets with pictures of you and Niall. You had to admit, you were pretty unrecognizable with your hair done and sunglasses on, surprisingly. You laughed and showed Niall, who smirked.

            “Yeah, you directioners are crazy” he said smiling.

            “I still can’t believe you would risk asking one out. What if I was legitimately crazy?”

            “I thought about that, but from our first words at meet and greet, I knew that wasn’t the case”

            You couldn’t help but do anything but blush and smile. Niall continued,

            “Did you have fun last night?”

            “Are you kidding? Of course I did. There isn’t a fan who didn’t. I think the better question is did you have fun?”

            Niall smiled. “Yeah, I did. I kept getting distracted by this gorgeous girl in the front row though, she had this huge poster practically begging me to kiss her.”

            You couldn’t help but laugh. Talking with Niall should be difficult, like it was last night, but just then, with just you two, it seemed as if you had known him forever. You guys talked about the concert, and what it was like for him to be on tour. He said he missed Ireland, but was feeling super lucky to be in America touring. Soon enough, you arrived at whatever mystery destination he was taking you to.

            Getting out of the limousine, you felt like a celebrity. Niall took your hand and led you into a restaurant, somehow away from any screaming fans. You guys took a table in the back.

            Talking still came so easily, and you began to tell him about your life, growing up in Thousand Oaks, and you were surprised how he could be so interested by your so simple and boring life.

            “Well, Katie, this place is my absolute favorite. Besides Nandos of course.”

            “I’ve never been here before… so I have no idea what to get.”

            “I usually solve that problem by just getting everything on the menu”, Niall joked.

            “How about you order for me?”

            “Sounds like a plan!” Niall said it with a wink, and then dove into the menu.

            The waiter came, and Niall ordered you two a barbeque chicken plate with all sorts of sides. You had to admit, it sounded delicious, and tasted even better. Just as you were really starting to enjoy the dish and get to joking with Niall in between mouthfuls, when you hear the distinctive click of a camera. Somehow these people are getting in the windows, through bushes, anything. Niall looks at you, at the food, at the exit, and back at you. Carefully picking up his plate, and bringing his extra food with him, he leads the way to the door. Out the back, there is already a limo waiting for you two, and you both run, hands filled with plates of food to the limo past mobs of paparazzi.

            You both jump in the limo, laughing so hard you could barely breathe.

            “You don’t do this much, do you Katie?”

            “No” you say between breaths, “This is definitely new to me”.

As the limo pulls away, Niall pulls out his phone, looking at all of his mentions come flooding in. Pictures of you two at the restaurant are already on twitter, tumblr and instagram. You don’t have any of those, so you scoot closer to him to take a look. He notices you get closer, and puts his arm around you. The butterflies are unimaginable. Literally coming in by the thousands, Niall looks for a tweet to reply to to maybe clear some things up. He usually doesn’t do this kind of thing, and is supposed to keep relationships private, but he figures it’s too late now.

Looking at a generic tweet, he reads aloud “Is that a date or a friend?! NIALL HAVE YOU REALLY FOUND YOUR PRINCESS”.

He smiles at you, and puts his fingers to his phone, typing a simple “maybe :) xx”

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