Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The concert ended and although the girls were still screaming for an encore, no one came back on stage. As the crowd rushed to get out, you lingered among your seat, hoping maybe, just maybe, Niall would run out on stage, and stop you from leaving. But no, no one ran out, Paul didn’t pull you from the crowd, nothing was happening. As you hung your head in disillusioned shame, and started taking your first steps towards the exit, and feeling the first throbs of PCD, you felt a tug on your arm.

            It was Ally, asking where you were going.

            “Back to the hotel room, Ally. We’re done here, remember? The concert is over.”

            The look on her face made you realize it was, in fact, not over.

            “Babe, we’re ultimate VIP, and we still have the meet and greet to get to!”

            In all the craziness, you had completely forgotten about your meet and greet. You would be going into a room, getting pictures with One Direction, signatures, the full deal. Well, everyone else would get pictures and signatures, and you couldn’t help but want a little bit more.

            A large lady in a dress suit walked into the stadium and asked all Ultimate VIP members to exit through a door off to the side. The girls, screaming, ran to the door, and somehow, you got pushed to the back. You were worried that by the time you got to the front of the line, Niall would have forgotten about you. You wanted to bring your poster, to jog his memory, but the guards wouldn’t allow any big posters to be let in. You took your place in the back of the line, and grew continually worried as you saw girls going to Niall, hugging him, kissing his cheek, and laughing with him. Ally tried to cheer you up, but as excited as you were, you just felt like you were just another fan. Finally, there were only about 10 girls before you. The girls went to Niall first, and then on to Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis. After one of the girls hugged Niall and moved on, he glanced to the line. You two made eye contact. His eyes met yours. He smiled and looked down, getting ready for the next girl. Blushing, you turned to Ally to see if she had seen that. She hadn’t, of course, she was too busy focused on Harry. But you had seen it and that’s all that mattered. Then there were three girls, then two, then one. Niall had moved to the back of the line instead of the front, and you walked up to Louis first. He gave you a sassy smirk, and hugged you. When you got to Zayn, he did the same, but as you walked on to Liam, you heard him say,

            “So you’re the one”

            “Excuse me? Wait, what?” you stuttered.

            Zayn smiled and just cheekily said “Oh nothing”, before winking at Niall.

            Liam took your CD and signed it, then said, “Just ignore Zayn, he can be so rude sometimes”, and gave Zayn a disapproving look.

            You got to Harry, and looked at him saying “Do YOU have any ideas what your band mates are trying to say to me?”, as you tried to avoid eye contact with Niall. You had no idea what to do or say to him in a few seconds when you would be face to face with him.

            “Um, well, basically…”, Harry started, and you giggled at the cliché of him talking that way. Ally nearly fainted at the sound of his voice. She had gotten through the other boys as well and was now waiting to talk to Harry. A bodyguard stepped forward as to rush you along, seeing as you were the only ones left, but Niall put his hand up, and gave him a kind look, and he stepped back. You knew it was now or never, and took a step towards Niall.

            “Um, hi, um, Niall.” You were stuttering even worse than before. You were looking at the ground, the air, the posters, Ally, anywhere but making eye contact with Niall. You still had the small feeling that all of this was in your head. Niall reached for your C.D., brushing your fingers in the process.

            “Hello, babe” he said, over whelming you with his strong irish accent. “I didn’t catch your name”.

            With all the strength you could find, you half-whispered, “Katie”.

            “Well, Katie,” he said, “I love your sign.”

            That was it. He remembered you. And your sign. He really was looking at you in the concert. You were silent.

            “Katie, are you alright?”, Zayn laughed and glanced at Niall.

            “Oh, yeah, I’m um, I’m perfect, I just..”

            Niall took your hand. He looked into your eyes, just as he did at the concert, but now you could see his sparkling blue eyes so much better. His brown roots were just barely there, and his braces made his smile ten million times cuter.

            “If I don’t do this now, I’ll never here the end of it from the rest of the boys.”

            His accent still made your heart stop.

            “Would you like to say, get coffee sometime?”

            Now your heart was really stopped. You tried to think of something to say. Ally was looking at you with her mouth wide open, the boys with expecting stares. Niall had a huge smile on his face, but it slowly dropped the longer you were silent. Finally you uttered out a couple words.

            “I-I don’t really like coffee too much”

            The boys erupted into laughter, and even Ally had taken a break from flirting with Harry long enough to giggle. Niall just looked at you, still holding your hand, and said “Well, lets do lunch, then.”

            You nodded, smiling, probably like an idiot.

            “That sounds fantastic”

            Niall asked for your number, and told you he would call you sometime tomorrow for lunch, since they were leaving the day after. Completely star-struck and love-struck, you walked out of the venue feeling as if you had just won the lottery. In some ways, you had.

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