Family Affair

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We will make it a family affair. This disposing of blockage on our children's future.

I didn't asked for Luau's assistance in disposing the people on the dungeon but I sure asked Mei to help me.

My cousin and I, we can do anything if we are together. That's what Uncle Shu hammered and instilled on us. And even if we are already settled with our respective lovers and managing our own estates, that fact won't change. I work easily with Mei.

And if I am involving Mei, it goes to say that I am also collaborating with my lover and Mei's lover, Captain Wang and Captain Jiang.

"I can take them out of that dungeon, no hardship in that," Captain Wang said as we meet together to formulate a solid plan on how to execute the Emperor's order to dispose his "guests" in the dungeon.

"And I know places where we can bury those bodies and not to be found again," Captain Jiang added. "I travel a lot. So I know places."

I nodded. "That is a solid plan for those two guards. The problem is the former First Minister. The Empress' father." Mei said. "You don't make someone once powerful like that disappear like smoke."

"Mei is right," I agreed with my cousin. "The problem is that man. The traitor tag cannot stain his name. For the Crown Prince's sake." I look at Mei and Captain Jiang. "The Crown Prince will one day marry our ShuYin, we won't want the word traitor to be whispered together with their name."

"That family," Mei sighed. "I am now having doubts as to the wiseness of letting my daughter marry the Crown Prince. He got some of the former First Minister's blood."

"The boy can be educated," Jiang said with a grim look on his face. "He will be surrounded by us, he will learn."

"He better do that," I said. "Now that Hua's future is settled, ShuYin can be our focus. Particularly, her immediate association with that family."

We get back to pouring our focus on the plan. Thinking of a way to cleanly take the former First Minister away from the children's future.

"How about this?" Mei looked at me. "A heart attack while he is traveling."

"What do you mean?" I frowned at my cousin. "We will give the former First Minister a shock to jolt his heart to die?"

Mei nodded and shrugged, "Or make him drink something that will stop his heart from beating. A poison that doesn't leave any physical evidence on the body, aside from a failured heart."

"Do we have that kind of poison?" I asked Mei.

"I think so." My cousins frowned as he thinks of the available poison we know. "I hope so."

I grew quiet. We have an array of poisons we can use. Many that can induce a heart to fail beating. But most of them leave some physical evidence of being poisoned.

What we need is something that won't show that we poisoned the former First Minister. Something that can promote heart attack but will leave the outside body unmarked. So no questions on his death will rise.

"Let me go back to my books, Dayu." Mei said. "I know I read something about it. Maybe we can make the poison or acquire it."

"Yes," I nodded. "We still have some time. Our people are watching over the other members of the Empress' family to make sure they won't cause trouble and questions to people's mind. The public knows that the former First Minister has retired. The Empress is supporting that claim and calming down her political allies. If we can dispose the former First Minister properly and without arousing suspicions, half of our problems will be solved already."

Wuxia Tale: Hua in BloomWhere stories live. Discover now