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I stared at Hua's profile as we walked side by side on their estate's garden. Hua is being quiet. I also don't know what to say.

After our little discord about the Empress a few days ago, I left with us being uncomfortable around each other. Although, I made sure that it's just a small disagreement between us, I think that got Hua into thinking about our differences.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked Hua. A little afraid that she is angry at me.

Hua stopped walking. I stopped walking. We faced each other. Hua looked up and I smile at her lovely face.

"I am not mad," Hua said.

"I know," I nodded. "I just want you to speak to me."

Hua sighed, I waited for her to talk.

Society dictates that women should defer to men. That men's opinion has more weight than women's point of view. That men are somewhat more intellectual than women in general.

I think it's half right, half wrong. I think there are intelligent women out there. Hua is one of them. That is for sure. And she lives in an extraordinary family who encourages Hua to read, have her own opinion and voice them out.

I like that about her.

Before, I despair in thinking that Hua doesn't need me. She is strong. She doesn't need anyone to depend on.

But now...I firmly believe that we need each other. I need Hua, in every way. Hua needs me, to have someone to discuss things with, to be patient with her and to push her more to be herself.

I think I can do that for Wang Hua.

Hua looked up at me, a determined look at her face. "I love you, Jin. You are a prince. Handsome, rich and intellectual. I know, compared to you, I am lacking in a lot of ways..."

"No you are not..."

"Please let me finish," Hua cuts into my protest. I clamped my lips and nodded. Hua gave me a relieved look. "I love you, Jin." She repeated those words and that made me smile. "But I won't let you drown me out. I have to tell you, I have my own views on things and I can form my own opinion. I know you will be the head of our family, but I hope, every once in a while, you will listen to me. Because I will not be quiet, Jin. I'm sorry," tears formed in Hua's eyes.

Those tears alarmed me, "Why are you crying?" I took her hands in mine. "Hua..."

"I'm sorry, I will not be the paragon little wife you might expect..."

A laughter escaped my throat. And then I stopped, because Hua stopped too. She stared at me like I just lost my mind right in front of her.

"Did you...just laughed at me?" Hua's face registered hurt. She tried pulling her hands from my hold.

"No!" I adamantly shook my head and refused to let her hands go. "I didn't laugh at you. I laughed at what you said. Hua, I never expected you to be my paragon little wife. Never. No..."

"No?" Hua gave me a suprised look.

"No, love." I smiled at her. Hua flushed prettily and I stared at her dumbfoundedly. How can she be so beautiful?

Wuxia Tale: Hua in BloomWhere stories live. Discover now