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It's all over the capital, how the Empress is now staying at their ancestral home, being the dutiful daughter of the former First Minister who got hurt while travelling out of the capital when bandits attacked and robbed the poor old man.

It is said that the Empress was looking devastated as she entered their home and started doing the vigil by her father's side while the former First Minister is unconcious and bedridden.

"Why is she alone? Aren't you and Prince Guo supposed to be with her?" I asked Prince Jin while we are having tea by the terrace.

"Guo asked permission to be with her for support but the Empress flatly refused his offer of companionship while doing this vigil by her father's side." Prince Jin sighed, "The Empress is still mad at us."

"I don't think she is mad." I said. "Or at least, she is not mad anymore."

"She is not?" Prince Jin was confuse. "If she is not mad, then why is she treating all of us coldly?"

"She is not treating you all coldly," I shook my head. "She is treating you all with disinterest. She has given up on all of you, Jin. The Emperor, you and Prince Guo. She decided to finally stop caring for all of you aside from the Princess and Crown Prince Han. Even the Crown Prince, her concern for him is still in the questionable side. She is sure helping the Emperor in taking care of everything in the Palace but if you will ask her, she had finally given up on all of the men on her life."

Jin frowned at my observation.

"Is that...possible?" Prince Jin sounded dubious. "I can understand if she has no concern for me and the Emperor but Guo is her son. Her blood. She cannot possibly abandon him..."

"Who said the Empress abandoned the second Prince? It's the second Prince who abandoned her..."

"That is not true, Hua." Prince Jin defended his brother. A distaste look appeared on his handsome face. "Guo is a good son. He just doesn't like to be the Crown Prince like the Empress wanted. But that doesn't mean my brother abandoned her."

"A son's duty is to follow his parents' wishes." I argued.

"A man's duty is to follow his heart." Prince Jin countered.

"But you are no ordinary man. Prince Guo is not ordinary. He is a Prince. His duty is to uphold the values of his Royal bloodline and family. You all broke it when you all decided to conspire together and give the Crown Prince throne to Prince Han."

"The Emperor decided for the good of the Imperial Family and he kingdom. Are you saying that the Emperor is wrong?" Prince Jin sounded like he is getting irritated at me. And I don't blame him, I am telling him things he doesn't want to hear.

"No." I shook her head. "But his method was wrong. You were all wrong. What you all did was took the shortest, fastest way to getting to your desired destination. You are in the Palace, there are protocols there you all should have followed."

"What protocol?" Prince Jin asked.

"The throne should have been given to you." I said. Prince Jin was surprised at what I said. "Then you should have abdicated and passed it to Prince Guo who will do the same and pass the throne to Prince Han. But instead of taking the long and complicated way, you all opted to take the shortest route, leaving the Empress waiting on the other side."

Prince Jin was silenced at what he heard from me for moments until he found his voice again. "Do you think, once Guo got that title and throne, the former First Minister and the Empress will let my brother abdicate?"

Wuxia Tale: Hua in BloomWhere stories live. Discover now