Prussia x Reader: Sunburn

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The summer sun beat down on your skin, the red already blooming onto your shoulders and neck. Although you applied sunscreen regularly and thoroughly, the sun was resilient and thus brought upon the dreaded sunburn. You weren't worried that much for it, growing up on the east coast and living near the ocean, sunburns were a regular occurrence during the summer. You weren't worried about your sunburn, no, you were worried for your boyfriends sunburn. Your boyfriend, Gilbert, is an albino, therefore he was sensitive to the sun and even the slightest harsh exposure could leave his skin red as a rose. Which is why you always worried whenever you two went to the beach. Gilbert wasn't the most careful when it came to his wellbeing, he was careless and didn't take his actions seriously until the consequences came along, even then he didn't learn. So when you two packed for the beach, well when you did, you made sure to pack his sunscreen, aloe vera cream, an extra shirt as well as a hat and sunglasses; you could never be too careful.
   Arriving at the beach, you quickly unpacked the car and carried your beach bag and the umbrella. Gilbert helped out and carried the cooler and the towels.
"Hey Gil? Did you put on sunscreen before we left?" You asked him, already pulling out the bottle. He gave a sigh of annoyance.
"Ja I did." Came his reply, you glanced up and saw the roll of his eyes.
"Gil I'm just worried that's all." He waved you off.
"Stop fretting, the awesome me never gets a sunburn!" He proudly proclaimed, you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Yeah okay." You mumbled, putting the bottle back into the bag and hauling it over your shoulder. "Let's get going." You two made your way into the boardwalk, moving past the throng of beachgoers to get to the booth at the entrance of the beach. After paying the lady behind the table and getting your beach bands on your wrists, Gilbert and you went down the ramp and onto the hot white stand.
"Race you there!" Gilbert excitedly said, already running with the cooler and towels towards an open spot on the sand. Giving a sigh and a chuckle, you ran after him.
"You're on!" Hearing his infamous laugh, you smiled and ran faster, hoping to bed him there. But knowing luck, it wasn't on your side today. Gilbert proudly stood there, a shit eating smirk on his face.
"Ha! I beat you, [nickname]." You staked the umbrella into the ground and gave him a smirk back.
"It's not official until your claim is in the ground." His eyes widened and he sputtered.
"That's not fair! That's not a rule!"
"It is now! So ha!" Sticking your tongue out at him you put your bag down on the sand. Gilbert pouted and spread out the beach blanket, putting his shoes on the bottom corners while you did so with yours at the top. You opened up the umbrella and tilted it towards the wind so it wouldn't blow away. Sitting down on the blanket, you applied some more sunscreen and beckoned Gilbert over to you.
"[nickname], I'm fine, I put it on like twenty minutes ago." He said, rolling his eyes slightly. You gave him a pointed look.
"You could never be too careful, now sit down and let me put sunscreen on you." Giving a sigh, Gilbert sat in front of you as you applied more sunscreen onto his back and shoulders. He did his front, arms and legs.
"There? Can I go in the water now?" Chucking softly I gave a nod.
"Yes go have fun."
"Gee thanks mom." Giving a grin, he got up and quickly ran down to the water, a laugh escaping him as he did so. Smiling softly, you laid out a towel on the sand and laid down on top of it, getting comfy in the warmth of the sun.
   After a few hours and a small nap in the sun, you were currently laying on your back, sunglasses on and a book in hand. Enjoying the sun and the warmth it provided, you put your book down when a shadow casted over you. Looking back, you saw two reddish legs in your view. Giving a slight head shake you sat up completely and took off your sunglasses; Gilbert stood there sheepishly, red bloomed on his skin, covering almost every inch of him.
"Did you forget something?" You asked him and he gave a small nod.
"...sunscreen." He replied, looking down at the ground. Sighing softly, you told him to sit down underneath the umbrella and he did so. Going over to your bag, you got out the aloe vera and carefully applied it to his sunburnt skin. He winched and you apologized quietly.
"Are you okay though?" You asked.
"Ja, it just burns."
"Well that's why they call it a sunburn." You rolled your eyes.
"No shit." He joked, giving a small chuckle. After applying the cream, you gave him a hat and a one of the extra shirts.
"I don't think this'll help me now." He gave you a look and you just shrugged.
"You should still wear it so the burn won't get worse." He nodded and carefully put it on. You gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek. "I'll be down by the water for a bit, okay?" Gilbert nodded and you got up, walking down towards the shore.
After swimming in the water and diving into the waves, you collected some shells on your way back up to where Gilbert is. Finding a few big shells, some sea glass and a few small shells, you decided to head back to him, only to find him asleep, his hat over his face and his arms laid out at his side. Depositing the shells onto the blanket, you laid down next to Gilbert, smiling softly at the small snores that escaped his lips. You gently ran your fingers over his arm, stifling a laugh as he mumbled in sleep and tried to shove away your hand. Grabbing your book, you started where you left off and waited for Gilbert to wake up, listening to his soft snores and quiet mumbles.
When he finally woke up, the sun was slowly lowering from its high peak in the sky. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned as he stretched. The sunburn was still there and present, the aloe vera helping somewhat.
"[nickname]? Wanna go for one last swim?" Gilbert asked and you excitedly nodded.
"Race ya!" You sprang up and started towards the water. Gilbert scrambled up and ran after you.
"Not fair! I have a sunburn!" He protested, wincing as he ran after you as you just laughed.
"Excuses Gil!" Laughing more, you jumped into the crashing waves, feeling the water chill your warm skin. Popping your head back up through the water, you smiled as you saw Gilbert wince his way into the water.
"It's not that bad Gil." You said, kicking your legs to stay afloat.
"Speak for yourself, cheater, you're not burned up." He said, getting fully into the water and swimming over to you. Rolling your eyes, you splashed him lightly, laughing when he pouted at you.
"So it's gonna be like that then?"
"I guess it is." Giving a wicked grin, Gilbert splashed you back and you did so again too, until it became a splash off between the two of you, laughter filling the air. He went under the water and encircled his arms around your legs, pulling you under too. Squeaking as he did so, you grinned in the salty water and tried to shove him away. Pulling you back up with him, you two looked at each other and flat out laughed, grins etching into the creases of your lips. After a few moments, you both calmed down, smiles still gracing your lips.
"ich liebe dich." Gilbert said fondly, cupping your cheek with a small smile. You smiled back softly, placing your hand over his.
"I love you too."
"Can we get out now? The water is shrinking my important bits." Sighing, you shook your head.
"Way to ruin the mood."
"What? I didn't ruin anything, the water is ruining my five me-" "don't even finish that." He gave you a cheeky grin.
"Oh come on, to know it's true." Rolling your eyes you pulled away from and started swimming back to shore.
"Keep telling yourself that, Gil." You yelled over your shoulder, Gilbert swimming after you.
"Don't deny it!"
"Oh I will!" Laughing you ran back to your area and dried off, wrapping the towel around your body. Arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close, Gilbert rubbed his cheek against your shoulder affectionately.
"You still love me." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes.
"Sadly." He gave a small gasp.
"Rude." You hummed and pulled away from him, packing up the small area.
"Deal with it." You smirked at his pouting expression and went back to packing up everything. Yeah sunburns suck all the time, but sometimes sunburn can be alright to deal with...just not after the fact.
   "Ow! Stop poking it!"
"I'm not! I'm putting aloe on you!"
"Well it hurts so stop!"
"If I stop then you'll just complain more!"
"No I won't!"
"God you're insufferable sometimes."
"I don't even know what that means, but no, I'm not."
"Mein Got will you two keep it down! You sound like feral cats!" Ludwig walked into the room and crossed his arms, glaring at the scene before him; his brother in his boxers, aloe vera in certain spots on his body, the red being a stark contrast to his hair. And his brothers girlfriend, one bottle in her hand while the other tries so desperately tries to rub it onto his  reddened skin.
"Sorry Lud." You apologized, giving a sheepish smile. "We'll try and keep it down." He gave a nod.
"Good and Gilbert?" The brother in question looked at Ludwig," just let her put the damn cream on you." And with that, he left the room. You gave him a smirk.
"Ha, toughen up and let me finish." Gilbert grumbled and let his girlfriend finish, wincing at every movement she made on his skin. Yes sunburns can be bad, but they're not the worst.

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