Russia x Reader x Prussia

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Request for BeastieForever

I sighed as my two friends fought over who was going to spend the day with me. They never really got along so I'm amazed at how they weren't tearing each others necks out right now.
"Would you guys please stop?" I asked them both and they contuined to argue with each other.
"[Name] gets to hang out with me today!" Ivan yelled at Gilbert.
"Nein! She gets to hang out vith ze awesome me!" Gilbert yelled back at Ivan, then more arguing. I sighed again and got up and started to walk back inside of my house. I sat on my couch and watched [favorite t.v show], and drank my [favorite drink]. As expected Gilbert and Ivan came in and sat down next to me, one on each side of me.
"What are you watching sunflower?" Ivan asked.
"[Favorite t.v show]." I mumbled.
"Vhat's wrong?" Gilbert asked and I shrugged, contuining to watch my show. I was huuged by Gilbert then by Ivan.
"Did we upset you sunflower?" Ivan asked and I shrugged.
"We're sorry Frau, we promise not to do it again." Gilbert said and hugged me tighter.
"It's alright.... Why are you guys always fighting anyways?" I asked them and they both went quiet. Gilbert cleared his throat and looked away.
"..wekindalikeyoualot." Gilbert and Ivan said at the same time, I looked at them and blushed slightly.
"Oh." I said and tried to shrink in to the tiniest thing possible. Gilbert picked me up and placed !me in his lap and held me close and stuck his tongue out at Ivan.
"Not fair, da?" Ivan said and pulled me into his lap and stuck his tongue out at Gilbert.
"Guys stop." I said and got up and stood in front of them and tapped my foot.
"You two need to stop acting like kids. You are both frown adults." I said again.
"You're right sunflower, Gilbert do s need to stop acting like a child." Ivan said and I face palmed.
"You too Ivan." I sighed out. He made a little oh noise and hugged me, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I giggled and tried to push him away.
"Stop it Ivan, that tickles." I said trying to contain my laughter. Ivan shook his head no and contuined to do it, I couldn't hold it back anymore more and I started letting out tiny bits of laughter. I felt Gilbert come onto my other side and hug me as well and nuzzle my neck. I laughed even more and tried to push them away but them being stronger than I was, it was impossible to do so.


A few had passed and it was now night time and Ivan, Gilbert and I were all in the living room eating popcorn and watching [favorite movie]. I was snuggled up to Ivan because he was fluffy and shit, while Gilbert was hugging me with his head on my shoulder. After a while my eyes started to droop and I began to fall asleep.
Prussia's p.o.v
I looked at [Name] and saw that she was asleep, she looked so cute like this. I smiled softly and gave her cheek a light peck and I immediately blushed and hugged her closer to me. I looked up at Ivan and he was staring right at me with this....look. I gulped as he leaned in closer.
"You don't touch sunflower like that unless she wants you too or she is awake, da?" He said, the way he said it was....unsettling. I nodded virgously(?) Not wanting to anger him more. He smiled and turned off the t.v, and carried [Name] upstairs to her room, I followed close behind him.
Russia's p.o.v
I layed [Name] down softly onto her bed and pulled up the covers around her and petted her hair softly. It was tempting not to kiss her right now, but unlike that Prussian I have good self control. I whispered a good night and left her room and house with Gilbert and went back home.

[Name]'s p.o.v
I woke up and took a shower, got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I was lightly humming as I got a bowl of [favorite breakfast stuff]. I smiles lightly thinking back to last night of Ivan's and Gilbert's visit, I blushed for some reason as I thought about them more and more.
"Stop it [Name], you shouldn't think of friends like that." I said and sat down to eat the food.
"But they are both really sweet, caring and hot as he-[Name] stop it." I said to myself and slapped my cheeks some.
"Get some common sense, they would never like you that way......would they?" I asked myself and finished my breakfast and rubbed my eyes.
"What am I going to do?" I mumbled to myself.

Sorry if this was short, I'm not good with these sorts of things.

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