England x Reader: Dance with me?

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   It wasn't often Arthur was romantic with you, not because he didn't love you, it was more based around that he didn't know how to show it that well. Sure there's been dates to restaurants or stargazing or going to museums, but other than that Arthur had a rough time letting the romantic side come out. You very well knew he can be romantic, you had several dates with the Brit that proved he could be very romantic, but those were rare. It wasn't until two years dating  Arthur did he decide to bring out the romantic side again.
   Sitting on Elizabeta's couch, you contently sipped your lemonade while she talked about her day with you and the rest of the girls. Bella sat next to her, listening to the Hungarian as well. While Elizabeta sat on a single arm chair as well as Michelle.
"So [Your Name], how are things with Arthur?" Elizabeta asked after she finished about her day.
"I've been meaning to ask that as well..you two are still happy?" Bella asked in slight hesitation, seeing as you don't mention your relationship as often.
"Arthur and I are doing great, nothing much has changed." You answered, placing your glass on the coffee table. Elizabeta raised an eyebrow.
"Just great?" She asked and you nodded slowly.
"Yeah...just great." You replied with a slight laugh. She nodded and smiled softly.
"That's good, it's just that you haven't mentioned him in a while and well I got worried something happened."
"Oh yeah no, nothing happened. Just the same things as usual." You said.
"No fancy dates or anything?" Michelle asked, giving a small smile. You smiled a bit sadly.
"No fancy dates...or really any dates for that matter." Bella gave you a warm smile.
"Well I'm sure he's just planning something for you two." She said with hope.
"Maybe," quickly adding on," but I'm perfectly happy with no dates, don't get me wrong, I love Arthur whether or not he takes me on fancy dinner dates or not. That's not why I'm dating him." Picking at your nail polish, you bit your lip slightly.
"Hun," Elizabeta reached over the coffee table and placed her hand on your knee,"Is there something else?" She asked. Looking down and then glancing back up at her.
"It's just....it's just that I feel like the relationship is lacking something."
"Is he not putting out in the bedroom?" Michelle asked. You blushed heavily in response.
"What? No!..he does just fine." Blushing more you sank lower into the couch cushion.
"Then what is it?" Bella asked.
"I feel like...Arthur he...he's very predictable. He plans everything out and he never actually does anything spontaneous. I just want him to do something that I don't see coming, you know? Like a surprise date or a road trip. Something like that." You finally explained.
"We'll have you talked to him about it?" Michelle asked, leaning fitting her seat slightly. You sighed softly.
"If I did then that wouldn't really be spontaneous, he would still plan when to do it."
"He might do something spontaneous...you never know." Bella said, giving your shoulder a soft pat.
"I guess so, yeah." Leaning back in the couch you sighed a bit. "Guess I'll have to wait and see." Elizabeta shared a look with Michelle.
"I'm sure it'll be here before you know it." Elizabeta said with a soft smirk. You raised an eyebrow in question.
"Should I be concerned?" You asked. Michelle quickly shook her head.
"No of course not! We're just being optimistic here." She replied, taking a sip of her lemonade. You gave all three of your friends a weary and questioning look but dismissed all questions entirely. Besides, they obviously didn't conspire or anything like that.
   After a few hours of talking and watching movies, you decided to head home along with Michelle and Bella. Saying your goodbyes you got into your car and drove home. Arriving home you parked your car and headed inside. Walking into the main entrance you paused mid step and took a look at your surroundings. The couches were pushed against the walls, the curtains were drawn tight and candles were lit sporadically around the room. Soft music filled the living area as well. Hanging on the door handle of the closet, a white plastic bag covered, what you presumed to be, a dress with a sticky note on top. The note read:
[Your name],
Put on this dress in the bedroom, there's a pair of shoes in there as well. Do hurry, these candles melt fast.
  -Love, Arthur
   Smiling softly you picked up the bag and headed upstairs quickly. Stripping down quickly, you pulled on the dress and marveled at yourself in the bedroom mirror. The dress was a satin, dark emerald color that pooled around your feet. A low enough neckline that showed just a modest amount of cleavage. The dress had straps with no sleeves and the straps rested on your forearms, just below your shoulders. Turning around slightly, you took in the dark emerald bow that rested neatly on your lower back. Sitting on the bed you slipped on the black ballet shoes with small emerald colored bows on the tops. Smiling happily, you walked down the stairs and back into the living room where Arthur waited. Arthur stood in the center of the living room, the black suit with emerald undershirt matched perfectly to your dress. He smiled softly at your entrance.
"You look absolutely stunning, love." He complimented with a smile. Blushing softly you walked over to him.
"You don't look too bad yourself." Arthur chuckled a bit and held out his hand.
"Would you dance with me?" He asked softly. Taking your hand in his, you smiled.
"Of course." Arthur smiled and held you by the waist while your arms went around his neck and the two of you swayed to the soft music in the background.
"This is completely unexpected of you, Arthur." You said, taking in the way his emerald eyes stared down at you lovingly.
"Yes,well, your friends informed me of my lack of spontaneous actions. So I decided to put this thing together." He replied, keeping you close to him.
"I do like it though, it suits you." You smiled up at him.
"Oh does it now?" He questioned as he spun you around gently, pulling you back into his chest and giving a lazy grin. Giving a soft laugh you put your arms back around his neck and played with the ends of his hair.
"Yes it certainly does." Leaning up, you pecked his lips softly. Giving a soft huff of amusement, he cupped your cheek with one hand and kissed you gently. You happily returned it.
"Well I'm so glad you think unexpected dances suit me." He gave a soft chuckle. Pulling away from the kiss you lightly snapped his arm.
"You know what I meant." He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh do I now?" Giving an exasperated laugh you rolled your eyes.
"Arthur you very well know what I meant." He chuckled softly and pecked your lips.
"I was just teasing, love." Rolling your eyes again, you threaded your fingers through his hair.
"Uhuh, course you were." He gave a huff and looked down at you.
"You're insufferable sometimes, you know that?" You gave a grin.
"That's why you love me." Arthur shook his head and smiled.
"Yeah you're right." Giving a soft laugh you kissed him again, swaying to the music of the night.

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