New Jersey x Reader

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Alexander sat in the doctor's office with his girlfriend, [Name] who represents the season fall, who was next to him. Alexander was fidgeting in the chair while [Name] held his slender hand giving it a small squeeze, he looked at her with his dazzling sea glass green eyes of his and gave a small smiled.

" Yoh okay Alex?" [Name]'s smooth voice broke the silence that surrounded the little office.

" Yeah, I'm okay." He replied in his kinda deep voice.

" You promise?" She asked hoping he would get the reference.

" Don't go MCR on me fally." Alexander said laughing a little, while she chuckled along as well. Suddenly the doors opened and the doctor walked in with a sad smile on.

" Mr. Oxenterina?" The doctor asked.

" Yes thats me." Alexander replied.

" What is it." [Name] asked eyes wide a little. Oh I guess I forgot to tell you that Alexander wasn't feeling so well, he's been coughing up blood once in a while and his hair was starting to fall out little by little.

" I'm sorry to say but Mr. have cancer." The doctor said, right then and there Alexanders heart dropped.

" C-cancer?" His voice cracked as tears fell from his eyes, he stood up and ran out of the room and out the hospital it self with [Name] right behind him.

" Alex!  Wait Alex." She called after him, now people could see he obvious bulge in her stomach, yes she is pregnant, as she ran after her boyfriend.  She caught up to him and hugged him tightly.

" I'm so sorry." She mumbled as he cried into her shoulder.

" This is why I hate being immortal." He said.

" Why?" She asked.

" You suffer great pain and watch everyone die while you suffer until your country or state or capital dies." Alexander said.

" I know...its not fair at all." She said as they stood there ina embrace... crying.

Ever heard about the Toms River crisis?  Thousands of children were diagnosed with cancer from drinking water.....I lost a great best friend to cancer and may her soul rest in peace.

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