17: Seventeenth Call

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The wedding theme song started to play, and Lottie gently squeezed my hand to calm me down. I gave her a forced smile before hooking her arm with mine.

The wind blew softly passed us, birds chirping not far away. The sound of the waves crashing managed to calm me down a little, and I thanked Lottie for choosing a good place for her wedding.

We gracefully walked down the sandy aisle and I made sure she didn't trip. Our friends and relatives turned their heads, watching us both with teary eyes and big, happy smiles.

Lottie sniffed and tried her best not to cry when her eyes met with her soon-to-be husband's. I smiled proudly.

I let go of her and stood by the side once we've reached the end. Lottie and her man held hands, then.

"We've come together here today to celebrate the bonding of two beautiful people standing here with me," The pastor announced, looking back and forth of Lottie and her fiance. "Let us now begin the wedding ceremony."

The pastor said a few more words, but I was too nervous to focus on them. After praying over the two, he turned to the man.

"Follow my words." He smiled.

"Dear Charlotte," The pastor said and Tom echoed. "I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife. Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live."

"I take you," They continued. "With all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

Lottie purses her lips and tears started to stream down her cheeks. It was her turn to say her vows, and once they were done, the rings were handed over.

One ring for him.

Another ring for her.

"And may I now present you," The pastor cheered. "Husband and wife!"

They kissed, and I wished them a happy ever after.

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