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Harry and I have been dating for almost two weeks now, and it still made me smile and my heart flutter with butterflies whenever I thought of the day. He was so happy that he actually teared up, wrapping his arms around me tightly while thanking me repeatedly. I only laughed and allowed myself to cherish the moment. That was it - Harry was mine, in my arms, in my heart.

"You're not kidding this time, are you?" A worried look was plastered on his perfect features, so I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his forehead. He blushed harder.

"I'm not," I smiled. "Not this time."

Unfortunately for me, Harry easily caught me that day - blame his long and skinny legs. He'd wrapped his arms around my shoulders and lifted me up a little, we both laughed and he teased me about being slow. I playfully kicked him, then.

I was back in my room with my textbooks piled messily in front of me. I wasn't in a mood to study. All I wanted to do was to meet Harry again, though it was a Wednesday, so he must be busy working right now. I could go see him, yeah.

Harry instantly answered when I called him.

"Hi, Lou. Done studying?"

"Yeah," I lied. "Are you busy? Wanna grab lunch or something?"

"Well," He hesitated. "I would love to, but I'm waiting for a delivery."

"Oh, damn."


I heard a few murmurs and someone talking to him, so I waited until he was back on the phone. I felt bad for him, but he'd told me he loved working at the florist. Jennifer, the shop owner, was a kind woman and they got along well.

"Sorry, I was decorating some flowers when you called. I'm done, though."

"That's good, Haz." I smiled.

"So what are you up to?"

I was walking towards his shop while he was busy settling his stuff, so he didn't know I was going over to meet him. I was nervous for some reason, but I was excited too.

"I'm coming over to see you," I smirked. "In 10 seconds."

"What?" He gasped. "Lou -"

I hung up before he could continue, like how I usually would. Harry was shaking his head and placing his phone on the other side of the counter table when I saw him through the glass window, and when I walked in, the little bell chimed, causing him to instantly glance up. A panic looked washed over his face as he quickly hid the vase of flowers away. 

"Haz?" I chuckled.

"Dammit, Lou!" He cursed. "You almost... Ugh!"

I sent him a confused look.

"Harry was -"

"Don't tell him!" He blushed and covered Jennifer's lips, causing her to chuckle in amusement.

"Tell me what?" I mused, leaning against the counter. Harry avoided my gaze.

"Nothing." He mumbled, slowly removing his hand from the poor woman.

"It's a surprise, apparently." She quickly told me.

Harry shrieked and covered his face in embarrassment, groaning out words about him failing. I only laughed at his reaction, but my heart warmed at the thought of him wanting to surprise me with something.

"Aww, Harry!" I gazed at him with my eyes filled with fondness, gently cupping his cheeks and placing hundreds of kisses on them. 

"Come on, show him." Jennifer encouraged. The curly-haired boy finally sighed in defeat, bringing out the hidden vase. 

"This is more embarrassing that I thought it will be." He mumbled.

The vase was a beautiful white one, and inside were filled with many types of flowers - including the white roses that I bought for Lottie's wedding. I blushed a little, slowly scanning the bouquet while trying not to prick my fingers with some of the flowers' thorns.

"This is beautiful, Haz." I breathed.

"It's not, don't lie." Harry pouted. I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'm not lying, sun," I smiled. "It's really pretty. Like you."

"Stop," His cheeks became redder and I laughed. "This is embarrassing." 

There was a small card hanging on the side, so I took it in my hand and read the short poem he'd written:

I met a boy one day

It only took one call

He hangs up before I could say

The reasons he made me fall

I met a boy one day

He was charming and pretty

He promised me he'll stay

And told me his name was Louis

I met a boy one day

His eyes were so blue

They took my breath away

But he's got no clue

I met a boy one day

His eyes shone under the sun

He knew I liked him that way

So he asked me to run

I met a boy one day

He told me to be his

He took my sorrows away

By giving me a kiss

I met a boy one day

A boy that made me crazy

And all I wanted to say

Was "I love you, Louis."

When I finally looked at Harry, his face was fully red now. He jumped a little when our eyes met, probably startled by the sudden gaze, and quickly turned around so his back was facing me. I hugged him from behind without thinking twice and place a kiss on the back of his neck. 

"I love you too, Harry Edward Styles," I confessed. "And I'll never stop loving you."

No more random calls from a random stranger.

He finally turned when I released him from my embrace and he bit his lips in embarrassment. I gave him a wide smile and leaned in to connect our lips for real this time. Harry smiled and placed both his hands on my waist.

"Forever?" He mumbled.

"Forever," I nodded my head. "And always."

But more random calls from the person whom I could proudly call mine.


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