a thousand times over

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Two nights in a row but it's someone else and I'm so disappointed I toss back my drinks like it will magically make my sorrow disappear.

Maybe I am a lonely guy and maybe I am just as shitty as every other perv in this place, it's crawling with older men, kind of gives me the creeps.

I'd like to think I'm not. No strip tease or lap dances for me, just staring into the bottom of an empty glass, the taste of wasted dreams and what could have been stuck on the tip of my tongue.

My rose ring taps against the bar with a clink. I keep twiddling with it, stopping when I notice a familiar reflection in the glass of the countertop.

"Veronica," I say too excitedly.

"It's my shift," she says nonchalantly. "Truly an honor to serve you tonight."

"If it means anything, I think your humor is killer."

"Because it's boring you to death or-"

I chuckle, trying to keep a smile off my face but it's just impossible. 

"You been sitting here all night?"

"Pretty much," I say, stretching, the ripple of my abs showing as my shirt rides up.

"Smooth," she laughs.

I tilt my head, taking in her features. The sharpness of her cheekbones and the pinkness of her lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have-" my thumb swipes beneath her lower lip, collecting some lipstick. "Your lipstick was smudged."

"Oh," she blushes furiously. "That's embarrassing."

I shrug, leaning back in my chair. "How is your finger?"

"Excuse me?" She knits her eyebrows together in confusion, face softening as she remembers. "Oh, it's pretty much healed now. Thank you Harry."

"See? I remember important things."

"I'm important? Sweetheart, you don't know a thing about me."

"What if I want to? I only come here for you."

"Sounds like a waste of time," she snorts, turning her back on me to wipe some glasses. "I can set you up with one of the girls. They all think you're cute."

"Well, I am cute."

"Never said you weren't," she laughs, facing me again, elbows on the bar. "You're very cute Harry."

"What are you doing after work?"

"Nothing that involves you honey."

Ouch. Stinging my pride since day one. She must notice how visibility upset I am because she mumbles a quick apology.

When she looks down I'm in awe of her long, tangled lashes. Our eyes meet and I feel something so magnetic, she pulls me in closer until the stool presses to the bar.

"You should kiss me," I whisper.

"No, I really shouldn't."

My nose brushes hers and she lets out a nervous, shaky breath.

"But you're going to anyway," I tease, cupping her jaw.

Her eyelids flutter closed and our lips connect. It feels so perfect, my tongue parting her lips, deepening the kiss. It's soft but powerful and it feels like drugs in my system.

I keep it soft, I don't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Veronica," someone snaps and we pull away immediately. She's panicked, eyes wide and I mentally kick myself for getting her in trouble again. "What in the hell do you think you're doing? You're on the clock."

"I'm sorry," she whispers hoarsely.

"It was me," I clear my throat. "I kissed her, she-"

"You don't need to make excuses for her."

What. The. Fuck.

"Why are you so jealous of her?"

Veronica cups her hand over her mouth, muffling her laughter.

"You don't have to scold her for-"

"Harry," she warns and I give it a rest, watching her follow the bitch to the back door.

My heart is pounding in my chest. If she gets fired this is on me.

I'm out of my mind stupid, following them, listening in to a heated argument.

"Why can't you just accept it? Please Loretta, give me a chance."

"Men aren't interested in that honey. Your place is behind the bar."

"That isn't fair," she whines. "I swear I won't let you down."

I'm startled as it goes quiet, stumbling as I try to get back to the bar but I'm clumsly, knocking straight into a guy twice my size.

"Hey pal, watch where you're going," he slurs his words.

I make the mistake of stepping on his foot and he sends his fist flying. I stagger back, jaw throbbing.

"Hey," she offers her hand and manages to pull me up. "You okay?"

"It was an honest mistake jeez."

"They get a couple drinks in them and start swinging."

"Has someone ever hit you?"

She shakes her head and I sigh, relieved.

"Hold on babe," her thumb presses to my tender jaw. "I'll take care of that bruise."

I sit down and wait patiently for her to return with an ice pack.

"Just keep it there until the soreness goes away."

"So what does she have against you? Your figure is very nice, if you want to dance she should let you."

"I understand her decision, she's just looking out for me. You wouldn't understand."

"Are you afraid to tell me?"

"What makes you think we're that close?"

My mouth snaps closed, cheeks reddening and she smirks.

"You can still dance for me," I say, voice hushed. "I'll pay you with more than money. It can mean so much more than that."

"Listen to yourself, you're just as pathetic as me."

"You aren't pathetic, Veronica please," I beg. "I can treat you right, I-"

I'm not the only one at the bar. A gentleman clears his throat and she flashes him a smile, leaning seductively across the counter. I'm in a trance, watching the sweep of her lips as she speaks and the batting of her lashes.

He's just as flirty as me but who wouldn't be? She's the most stunning girl in the room.

Anger boils inside of me as he moves in to peck her cheek.

Luckily he lays off when she serves him his drink and I tell her the ice pack is getting warm, just so she'll give me her full attention.

She takes it from me, fingers pressing to my cool skin.

"Does it hurt?"

"It isn't so bad. How does it look?"

"Not great," she giggles. "But it makes you look tough."

"Yeah?" I smile, finger tracing the outline of her lips.

"But standing up for me took so much more strength."

"And I'd do it again, a thousand times over."

Veronica [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now