grand debut

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I wake up to sunlight filtering through the curtains. He looks like an angel, lips baby pink, raven hair a halo as it spills across the pillowcase.

I'm quiet as I slip out of bed but he still stirs, sheepish smile on his face.

"G'morning," he says groggily, wiping sleep from the corners of his eyes.

"Morning beautiful," I tease, kissing his jaw. He grunts softly, fists up my curls and I sigh into his mouth.

Everything feels so unhurried and perfect.

"I have a day of chaos ahead of me, the stock exchange is bloody insane. I'm a mess. It's exhausting."

My body relaxes as he massages my shoulders.

"Why do you put yourself through it if it stresses you out?"

To be honest, I don't have an answer. All I'm certain of is the way he makes me feel. His hands work out the soreness, knead my stress knots away and I sigh happily.

"At one point in time I thought money defined success but I've wasted half of my life chasing after things that don't really included and I'm so tired."

"Yeah," he whispers, licking his lips as he cups my face in his hands. "I would be too. People do stupid things when they're young. You have all of these unrealistic dreams that burn out, all the hope in the world and then life fucks you over."

I sit up straighter, frowning and swallowing hard.

"Zayn I'm being serious, who hurt you?"

"There was this guy before you," he admits. "He moved in with me, he was my best friend, my everything but it all ended in the blink of an eye. He cheated on me with a woman and I don't understand why," his voice crackles. "Why he couldn't just be honest with me from the start. Instead he had to play with my feelings and give me something to believe in and I trusted him."

"Zayn," my chest aches and my voice breaks, tears welling in my eyes. "You didn't deserve that, okay? Never try to convince yourself that you did something wrong or that you weren't good enough. That's not true."

"I'm sorry," he sniffles. "This is so pathetic."

"No babe," I assure his cheek. "It isn't."

He rests his head on my shoulder and I let my fingers get lost in his feathery quiff, cradling his head as he sobs.

"I've told you more in one night than I ever thought I'd tell anyone and it scares the hell of out me. Please don't hurt me," he whimpers. "I need someone."

I'm kissing him, so incredibly soft time stops. Nothing matters but the wetness of his mouth and the way his tongue furls.

"Harry," he exhales as I pull back.


I pause and trace the outline of his lips, my eyes searching his. Flecks of gold that make my breath hitch.

"Yes babe?"

He closes his eyes, lets me cradle his cheek. I'd wait forever for him to finish his thought, thumb stroking his baby soft skin.

"You're the best thing to ever come out of that God forsaken place. I just want to lay here and kiss you all day. Unfortunately, I have to get dressed."

I admire him, watch him get flustered as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Harry stop," he giggles. "I'm about to do eyeliner and I already have a nervous hand."

He curses under his breath as he flicks the pen, uses concealer to fix the wing. Both sides look perfect to me, I don't see the big deal.

"What lipstick shade?"

I think it's cute that he includes me in his makeup routine. My eyes scan over my choices before I settle on a deep cranberry.

"Wow," he exhales. "I don't think I've ever used this color."

"Looks beautiful," I assure, kissing his neck. "What's that babe," I point to what looks like a pan of blinding glitter. He swatches some on his finger but I don't really see how it does anything but make his skin shiny.

"Watch," he whispers, loading it onto a fan brush.

I'm entranced as he works it on the high points of his cheeks. It doesn't look like chunky flecks of glitter on his face. He just looks naturally glowly, skin wet and youthful.

When he turns his head and the light hits I'm nearly blinded by the glow.

"Gotta live up to your expectations."

"What expectations," I ask nervously.

"That I'm an angel," he replies, lighting up more with a smile.

It doesn't take long before Veronica is back with a bang and I can't keep my hands to myself.

"She's letting me dance again."

You can't fake the excitement on her face, she looks so radiant and happy. Her eyes are sparkling, smile enough to warm a thousand cold hearts.

"That's fantastic," I cheer, hands moving to her hips.

She slowly grinds against me, gets me all flustered and I realize she's going to be the most talented dancer there.

"Loretta isn't going to be there tonight," she smirks, turning in my arms.

Fuck, everything she does is so seductive, finger tracing down my chest.

"Want to watch my grand debut?"

She bites her bottom lip, bats those long lashes and how can I resist?

"I'll save you for last," she teases, arms looping around my neck. Her lips tickle my skin as she leans in close, whispers in my ear. "The best show of the night."

I'm swallowing hard, trying to keep my self-control as her eyes darken with lust.

"Say yes," she murmurs.

Before I can, I'm kissing her. I need the wetness of her mouth and the softness of her lips. I need the sounds she saves just for me, the pants and gasps and the way I feel butterflies in my stomach when she moans my name.

I pull away leaving her breathless. She whimpers, wanting more and I chuckle into an answer.

"I wouldn't miss it."

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