high heels and halos

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"How are you so talented," she asks with a pout. "It's so unfair. You're the fastest learner I've ever met."

"I've been practicing a lot...maybe too much," I admit. "It's good stress relief."

"So is sex," she jokes, poking my side. "But you haven't seen any action lately. Why is that?"

"Claire," I groan. "I'm not looking for anything serious right now."

"Yes you are," she sighs, resting her chin on my shoulder. "I know you want to find that one person. If you've somehow convinced yourself that you don't deserve true love realize that you do."

"I dunno," I whisper, shivering. "I feel like everyone adores Veronica but no one ever cares about Zayn."

"No," she wraps her arms around my waist. "I care about you. What we need to do is set you up."

"Hahaha no," I grunt. "That's not happening."

"Come on Zayn," she pouts. "Pity please."

"I need to fix my makeup, stop being so annoying."

"And cute," she asks with a giggle. I roll my eyes as I tread into the bathroom, swipe on some eyeshadow and line my lips before filling them in with a mauve lipstick. "Loretta really likes you, which is a bit of a rarity but I can't blame her."

"Why is that," I ask curiously, fixing my wig.

"You're just so honest and sincere. It's easy to tell you things."

"Do you trust me?"

Her smile gives everything away and I can't help myself from doing the same.

"Did I ever thank you for what you did for me," she questions, gently touching my arm.

"What do you mean," I try to read her expression but she drops her gaze, looks away.

"You're the reason I'm still here," she whispers. "I didn't realize how stupid it was, feeling sorry for myself...wanting to die over a guy."

"Men are stupid," I smirk. "At least most of them are. I haven't found a decent one yet."

"And you will," she gives my shoulder a quick squeeze. "I promise."

"Why don't I find you a man?"

She flicks some hair off her shoulder. "I'm not ready to settle down, I like exploring my options."

"Okay so what do I do if I'm really into someone and he's feeling me and wants to take me home?"

She hums gently, looks perplexed as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"I wouldn't give it a chance unless you have a gut feeling they're genuine. Men promise so much and always seem to come up short. I'm speaking from experience. Don't fall for someone who just wants in your pants. Besides, find someone who loves Zayn. If a man isn't willing to accept who you are, you shouldn't waste your time."

"You're a good friend," I sigh softly, sitting down beside her. "I like Jessica too, everyone is so kind."

"Yeah the ladies at the club are pretty amazing, we always have each other's back. It's nice to have that reassurance. We can't always be strong on our own."

"Technically I'm not a lady," I chuckle. "But I hope I'm included in that."

"Of course," she lays her head on my chest. "You're like the older sister I never had...brother, I'm not sure."

"I can't imagine what being an only child feels like, it must get so lonely. There's never a dull moment at my house. I love my sisters with all of my heart."

"You know," she says, lifting her head. "That's the thing about you I like so much, you have so much compassion in your heart. I don't know how you have that much space. I'm a cold-hearted bitch and I'm okay with that."

"I don't think so," I frown. "There's a little bit of good in everyone."

"Zayn," she says seriously. "I think you trust people too easily and you'll end up hurt."

"By who," I question, chest tight like a knot.

"Just don't ever let your guard down, the world can be an unforgiving place."

We get around for work as usual, the night is still young when he bursts through the doors and into my life, stealing my breath away.

I must look like an idiot, staring and drooling over him. My palms sweat as he draws closer, locks eyes with me from across the room.

"Do I know you," he asks casually.

On the inside I'm wheezing. Play the part, remain calm.

Veronica is one badass bitch. Supress all your fear and anxiety, say something smooth.

"No but I think you want to."

"Is that so," he asks with a smile. "What makes you so sure I'm interested?"

I lean in, lips brushing the shell of his ear. "I wear high heels, not a halo."

In all honesty, I don't know where the fuck that confidence came from or what I even meant by that. Did I just insinuate that I'm naughty?

"Maybe I am interested," he admits, gazing at me with soft brown eyes. "Something about you is so alluring."

What was rule number one, captivate? No. Shit.

"You alright," he asks gently, hand stroking my cheek.

"Do you want me to dance or something?" I pull him onto the nearest chair, straddle his lap.

What if he feels me brush against his thigh? Should I get him drunk first?

"Why so nervous," he questions. "You're the most beautiful girl here."

My fingers travel down his neck, stopping at his chest.

"You're shy," he coos. "At first glance I would have never known."

"I'm actually Veronica."

Way to fucking blow it Zayn.

"You're cute," he laughs, lips finding mine.

I can't do this, holy fucking shit. Wow. What should I do?

I quickly pull away, cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry I...it i-isn't you," I stammer, heart racing. "I'm so sorry."

"No need to apologize, no worries. You're into me, right?"

"Absolutely, it's just that I-" I blink back warm tears, choking on each syllable

"Hey," he murmurs. "It's okay, don't be upset babe. Maybe some other time?"

I nod, vision blurred with tears. His outline is distorted, slowly gets further away until it disappears altogether.

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