reasons to fly

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The first thing I do is hug her. She clutches onto me tightly, heart pounding against her chest. I tell her to relax.

"It's just me. Everything is okay, breathe babe."

"I've been lying to you about everything."

"That's alright, now is your chance to come clean."

I wipe the tears from her cheeks and she timidly asks me if she can use the bathroom.

She's so cute, I'm crying on the inside. "Of course you can babe."

She leads me in there with her, digs around in her purse for a resealable pack of makeup wipes.

"Can I use your face wash?"

I nod, sitting on the edge of the tub and all the makeup starts rinsing down the drain, black mascara streaking down her face, glittery eyeshadow falling into the sink.

Her hands are shaking as she stares at her reflection, bare faced, skin naked.

"I hate it," she sobs, glancing at the reflection staring back at her. "I hate myself, I hate mirrors Harry."

Her breaths are ragged, knuckles white as she clutches onto the sink.

"No, it's okay," I assure, wrapping my arms around her from behind. "I shouldn't push you, it's just that...I want to know every part of you, touch every inch of skin, commit you to memory. Please don't be scared."

"Okay," she whispers. "Only because I trust you."

She's shedding her clothes, taking out her silicone breasts, tugging off her wig until she's transformed into someone else.

She lets it all fall away and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Hair a messy quiff, waist thin.

The man that stands before me is insecure but perfect in every way.

I trace my fingers over the tattoo he kept hidden, not surprised to find wings on his body.

"You're still so beautiful," I whisper, amazed that someone can look so flawless as either sex.

"Zayn," same Bradford accent, voice just lower, a deep, sexy rumble.

"Zayn," I echo, our eyes locking. "Do you prefer Veronica?"

"Just like the way I feel when I'm her," he shrugs, cheeks flushing. "Everyone loves her."

"Nobody likes Zayn?"

He shakes his head and I back him against the sink, kissing him like I'm unsure the world will still exist tomorrow, hands on his waist.

When I pull away I'm scared he'll break again so I empty the contents of the purse, take off the cap of some lipstick and slowly draw it on his lips. His cheeks redden but he bites back a smile.

"You can still wear makeup babe, if it makes you feel better. Just know that I think you're pretty either way."

"But you're straight Harry."

"When did I ever say that? I'm attracted to you. Every version of you. Actually, I think the male body is just as beautiful...maybe even more," I add, eyes taking in every dip and curve.

He's wearing tiny, thin lace underwear and they look so uncomfortable. He hugs his arms around his waist, shyly bites at his bottom lip.

Zayn is so tiny, so delicate, it's easy to see how he could pass as a woman.

His legs are so skinny, my hands can squeeze all the way around his thighs.

"Nobody wants this," he wipes at his eyes. "No one ever has. I'm selling a lie Harry, all because I want the love they have. I want someone to look at me the way they look at Claire, to kiss me like it's real, like they mean it. Loretta was so angry after the first few complaints, absolutely mortified that her best performer is a...crossdresser but then I was stupid enough to let men take me home, to think they would accept me and I ended up crushed. I'm not sure why I-"

I push him onto the bed, straddle his waist, fingers tracing the lips with wings.

"You wanted a reason to fly."


He furrows his brows, licks his lower lip, eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"I'll give you a thousand," I whisper, dipping down to capture his lips.

His fingers are in my curls, legs spreading for me as my knee gently nudges them apart. He gasps as I bite his bottom lip, tug gently with my teeth just to see his eyes darken, to feel his heart pick up speed.

My teeth catch his nipples, tongue lapping circles and his head hits the pillow with a soft thud.

He says my name and it's divine, it's spiritual and I can't stop touching him, can't keep myself from tasting his skin.

"I'd take you both ways," I whisper, mouth on the shell of his ear. A deep shiver runs through him and I nibble at his earlobe before moving on to leave lovebites on his neck.

I quite like him with the lipstick. He whispers when the contact is lost. I pull back and stroke his cheek.

"Do you want me to do your makeup?"

"You'd really do that?"

"Of course I would doll."

He giggles, covers his face with his hands.

"You're so adorable. Did you like that nickname?"

I'm given a nod of approval and he sits up, waits for me to come back with his purse.

"Bring your makeup bag next time."

"Okay," he grins. "There's a mini eye shadow palette in there if you want to give it a go "

"Lucky for you, I have a sister. Close your eyes."

I'm sweeping gold all over his lids before realizing he doesn't even need mascara because he has the longest lashes I've ever seen.

"You are stunning," I smile and he asks if I mind the wig.

I don't so I let him put it back on. It feels real, silky between my fingers, billowy on the pillowcase.

"Are you Zayn or Veronica?"

"Somehwere in between," he laughs. "Which ever one you prefer."

"As if I have a preference," I chuckle and he rolls over, lets me wrap him up in my arms.

"You made me hard a couple times and it was extremely difficult to keep that hidden."

Our laughter shakes the bed and I brush some hair aside to kiss the nape of his neck.

"This exceeded my expectations," he sighs. "No one has ever lasted this long. Then again, I can't expect straight men at a gentleman's club to fall for me. It was that or the drag bar and everyone treats that like a joke."

"Loretta should let you dance again. I know how happy it makes you."

"You wouldn't be there to watch."

I frown and he turns to face me, head on my chest.

"But I can dance for you now if you want me to."

He's so eager, smile so wide my heart expands.

"I'd like that a lot. Never be afraid to spread your wings for me."

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