what she didn't sell

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Claire sends me a wink. I figure it's because I'm here when I shouldn't be or maybe because my girl is the star of the show.

Either way, I wave back not thinking much of it.

There's a freckled red-head at the bar. She smiles sweetly at me but I don't make my way over there.

"Hey Harry," someone squeaks.

I turn to see wispy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Claire seems so much younger up close. She's long, tanned legs and a tiny waist. To me she resembles a less mature Elsa Hosk.

Don't get me wrong, Claire is beautiful. There's just something about her that irritates me. Maybe it's the way she holds herself. I love confidence in a woman but she's cocky, always smirking and slinking around like she's God's gift to the world.

Veronica is beautiful in a quiet way. She's hushed words and sensual movements. Soft, sweeping smiles with light shining in her eyes.

She captivates you so quickly. You want to know more but she's shy when you first touch her, only a bud, blossoming as she takes the stage.

"Can you believe she's giving her another chance," she asks excitedly. "You must be so excited!"

Man, she really is annoying.

"Yeah," I laugh awkwardly. "I'm trying to watch her actually."

"Oh sorry," she frowns as she straddles my waist. "Am I blocking your view?"

"Just a tad," I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh," she giggles. "My bad. She isn't on the pole anyway."

"What do you mean," I ask concerned.

"She's giving someone a lap dance."

For the love of God. I inwardly grown, nicely asking her to get up but she pouts.

"Don't you want one too?"

"Want what," I snap angrily.

"A lap dance," she chirps. Her lips find the shell of my ear. "She'll be so jealous."

"Claire please," I plead. "I don't want to hurt her."

Finally, she gets the idea and my heart tumbles in my chest as I glance at her. I'm afraid it's already too late.

She turns away, all her attention back on her client and I blink back warm tears as I push through the crowd of huddled bodies.

"You okay," the girl asks as she shines a glass. "Sometimes Claire can come off too strong. She really is a nice girl."

"I'm here for Veronica."

"Oh," her face softens. "She's like my best friend. I'm Jessica by the way but you can call me Jess."

She extends her hand and we shake before she advises me not to drink. "That would just make her more upset. You need to stay sober and show her how much she means to you. If you get drunk, she won't feel important."

"Thanks," I mutter.

"You're Harry right?"

"That would be me," I answer with a laugh.

"Veronica just adores you. I'm sure her temper won't last long. Besides, you have a right to be jealous too. Guys always act too though to admit that they're hurting."

I look back at her. Such an actress, biting her bottom lip as she searches his face. He looks so far gone, under her spell as her lips move against his neck. His hands cup her ass. She wiggles it for him, playful and flirty as she laughs lightly. I don't like the way he squeezes her or how his words make her blush but it's all just a game for her as she brushes hair out of his face, eyes briefly meeting mine.

I'm so tempted to down a few glasses, to grab Claire and kiss her until I'm dizzy but I ignore her just to pour salt into her wounds.

It's everything she doesn't want but I have the upper hand. I play my cards right.

Jess keeps me company, telling me funny stories about her and Veronica and all the pranks they play when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Not now Claire," I hiss.

"Harry it's me."

I follow her to a more quiet corner, let her back me up against the wall.

My breath escapes me, fingers trembling as I touch her face. How is someone this beautiful?

"You know I want you," she whispers, cupping my face.

"Thought you could make me jealous?"

"Harry please," she begs. "This isn't how I wanted things to go. You know sometimes I get jealous-"

She squeezes her eyes shut, sighing sadly.

"Of who? Claire?"

A tear slips down her cheek and I'm in disbelief.

"Veronica," I murmur. "You can't be serious."

Our lips brush. It's a light kiss, just barely there so she knows I care about her feelings.

"Can I still watch you dance?"

She giggles, pulling me after her. I let her take the lead, smirking as she pushes me onto a chair, climbs on top.

"I meant on the pole."

"Is rather dance on you," she looks down, cheeks flushing.

"Are you getting all shy on me? I want assertive."

"Assertive," she asks hesitantly. "Like this?"

Her hips move so rhythmically, she's irresistible, grinding against me slowly, pinning my arms at my sides.

"No touching," she teases, breath fanning across my skin as she draws closer.

I melt into her kiss. My insides are fizzing and my heart is bursting at the seams.

She surprises me, uses tongue and I can't help but wonder if she kisses everyone like this.

I pull back suddenly, hear her gasp, hands moving to my waist.

"How many other men have you kissed, have you touched like this?"

My hands fondle her gently, her body stops rocking as she pants out my name.

"Harry," so soft it dissolves.

"You're so naughty," I tease, dropping my voice.

"I only give my love to you. That's something I don't sell."

Our noses brush and I forget where we are. It's just us. Just her shallow breaths and tawny eyes, raven hair slipping between my fingers.

"I'm not playing any games," I warn. "Do you still want me?"

Something flashes in her eyes as she climbs off, circles around the chair.

"Neither am I."

I curl my finger and she sinks back onto my lap, smile on her face.

"Something funny?"

"Why would you ever think I don't want you?"

Veronica [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now