home to me now

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Waking up beside Zayn is the best damn thing. His features looks so soft in his sleep. He has the face of an angel, quiff a disheveled mess. I think of it as a little halo, admire the way his skin glows under the early morning sunlight.

I kiss down his bare chest before making my way back up. He smells so good. My nose tickles his neck and he wakes up, grins at me sheepishly.

"Looks like somebody has some morning wood," I tease, lips grazing his jawline.

"Stop," he replies grumpily, sleep crusted in the corners of his eyes.

"You're so cute," I chuckle, hands roaming over his torso.

"No, I'm angry. Can we go back to sleep babe?"

The pout on his face is so adorable I can't say no. We cuddle and he purrs happily, gently nugdes my side. Zayn is so skinny, I can feel his ribs poking under my fingers.

All he wants to do is sleep and it worries me. I want him to be okay, I don't want him to hurt.

"Are you sure you don't want me to make you breakfast?"

"M'sure," he mumbles.

"Why do we never talk about things? You can trust me."

He shrugs, looks aloof and I gently tilt his chin up, search those beautiful golden eyes.

"There's nothing you can't tell me."

His forehead presses to mine and he exhales. It feels like slow motion, eyelids brushing his cheeks as his eyes close. He looks so exhausted, I trace the lines on his face with my fingers, wonder how he got this way.

"I just need you," his voice breaks and my arms wrap around him. He trembles, rests his head on my shoulder and I cup the nape of his neck, thumb stroking beneath his dark little baby hairs.

"You have me," I whisper, pulling away to kiss the tip of his nose.

"I'm upset about Loretta coming back and what it means for me. I hate settling and feeling worthless. At least the old Claire is back."

"I love you so much baby," my finger traces up his spine. "You aren't worthless."

He shivers, cuddles close. "When you call me baby I forget how to breathe."

My mouth is on the shell of his ear, lips barely grazing his skin. "My baby."

"Harry," he blushes, giggles sweetly. "You're my everything."

"You're actually killing me with your cuteness," I chuckle. "I can't believe how much you've changed my life. Things have moved so fast and I'm perfectly okay with that. There's no one else like you."

"You have the kindest heart," he gives me a gentle smile before his lips find mine.

Our legs get tangled and I pull him closer, wrap him up in my arms as I deepen the kiss.

I never dreamt that my heart could feel this way. Moving here wasn't something I wanted to do. I miss home, miss the quaintness of Holmes Chapel and the peaceful quiet. London is easy to get lost in; to forget where you came from. It's hard to stay humble in such a beautiful, bustling city.

That's why I lingered into the rough part of town, how I found the club in the first place. I just needed another taste of reality, something to bring me back down to Earth.

I never expected to meet someone like Zayn in a gentleman's club but I had the wrong idea about strippers. They word hard, they're humble and most of them are looking for a way out.

"What are you thinking about," he asks softly, ruffling my curls.


"I'm sorry you don't like it here, I-"

I laugh, kiss his gently before saying "you are home to me now."

"Get up," he grins. "I'm treating you."

"Babe we don't have to go anywhere, it's okay. I just want you to eat right."

He's all smiles as he jumps out of bed. I sigh before following him into the bathroom. He splashes cold water on his face and shaves before brushing his teeth.

"You deserve it," he says, mouth of foamy toothpaste muffling his words.

I'm soft for him, laughing as I wrap my arms around his waist. He spits and rinses before turning in my arms, nose squishing against mine.

"I love you," I grin before nipping at his nose and he giggles.

"Do waffles sound good?"

"Waffles always sound good Zee. I have to get ready though. You're taking all the mirror space silly."

"Alright," he pouts. "M'gonna get changed but I'll miss you."

"You'll miss me for ten minutes," I ask teasingly.

"Yes," he whimpers.

"Okay stop being so damn cute."

He pokes his tongue out at me and I give him a nice slap on the ass.

"Spank me again Daddy."

"I hate you," I laugh. "Why are you so annoying?"

Watching Zayn innocently lick syrup from his fingers is torture. I'm squirming in my seat, holding in a breath.

The only good thing is that he eats a substantial amount of food.

I shake my head, laugh lightly as he skips around on the streets. We end up shopping which means I'm stuck with a bunch of bags in my hands. He rewards me with a million feathery soft kisses and I can't complain.

"Harry Styles?"

Zayn freezes and we both turn. I drop the bags as I pull my friend in for a hug.

"Liam! What are you doing in London?"

He smiles warmly, face dropping when he notices Zayn. You could cut the tension with a knife. Zayn trembles slightly before wrapping his arms around his thin waist, shying away from the two of us.

"I'm sorry," Liam breaks the silence. "For the way I treated you, for leaving without an explanation-"

"It was you," I flinch, fist curling. "You broke his heart."

"Not because...I loved you," he cries, turning to face Zayn. "If I ever convinced you otherwise I'm sorry. I know I messed up with Claire."

"I have Harry now," he says confidently, arm curling around the bend of my elbow.

My heart swells and I reach for his hand, lace our fingers together like usual.

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