clearing the air

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"So...he isn't really relevant anymore. You're the only important thing in my life."

"You don't have to tell me babe, especially if it's still a sensitive topic for you. I'm perfectly fine with helping you forget it ever happened."

I feel so unbelievably blessed as I allow myself to get lost in him again, hands on his thighs.

"Kiss me," he whispers, nudging my nose.

We smile into it, lips brushing. It's exploratory, our tongues tentative. Last night was hungry but today is languid, unhurried and perfect as I chase the wetness of his mouth.

He tastes so sweet, head softly hitting the headboard as I place my hands on his toned torso.

All I ever think about anymore is him. Any amount of space between us is too much.

"Harry," he pants as I move back, a strand of saliva conntecting us. "I have to shower and get all feminine."

I chuckle and our hands clasp together for a brief moment before he pulls away.

He wasn't kidding either, spritzing himself with sultry but sweet perfume, rubbing it into his wrists, bringing it onto the nape of his neck.

"You're so extra. Perfume?"

"I really have to sell it," he smirks.

I tug down the towel wrapped around his waist and he looks so flustered.

"Was that really necessary?" He bends down to pick it up and I give him a slap.

"We had sex last night, don't get all shy on me," I chuckle. "I saw your orgasm face."

"That's not fair," he bites back laughter. "That's like...the most embarrassing thing ever."

"No it isn't," I say softly. "I think it's beautiful. I feel lucky that I get to see you like that, so exposed and unashamed. I need you to trust me Zayn."

"I do," he whispers.

He looks so fragile, eyes wet with tears.

"Then why are you sad, hmm?"

I reel him into my body, tilt his chin up and he searches my face, swallows thickly and my heart is stumbling around like a drunk man on a street corner.


"I'm sorry."

"Wait," I exhale, shakily, hands trembling. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I should go," his voice breaks.

"No," I growl, cupping the side of his face, thumb pressed to his cheek. "You're not going anywhere."

The pad of my thumb catches tears and I'm softening at the edges as I wrap him up in my arms.

"I'm not going anywhere Zayn. Why are you walking away from me, from us?"

"I dunno," his body shakes. "I just don't want you to settle when you really don't want me. You want Veronica."

"I never said that," I sigh. "When you were sleeping this morning I realized that I want this so much more...I love you so much more Zayn."

"You do?" He sniffles, raises his head slowly, tears still clinging to his lashes. "I see the way she looks at you and sometimes I think to myself that she's your type, that she could steal you away in a heartbeat."

"That's not true. Did you know I want to build a future with you? I'm invested in us. Where does all this doubt come from?"

"Claire said you kissed her, that you were interested and I know she's lying but-"

"Let me clear the air. We did kiss the first night. I did want her...actually I didn't want her, I just wanted something tangible. She's trying to get into your head."

"Yeah okay," he says relieved. "I love you," he smiles.

"Good boy," I laugh into a kiss.

"Will you help me pick out makeup again please?"

"You're the cutest," I peck his cheek and he dumps out the contents of his makeup bag.

He swipes some blush across his cheeks and I hand him a lipstick. He doesn't question it, just uncaps it and puts in on.

"You like red on me, don't you," he laughs.

"It compliments your skintone."

He shakes out his wig, adjusts it and hangs it up before telling me how hard it is to clean and brush wigs.

"It can get itchy as hell and then it starts to smell sweaty and that's disgusting. Plus walking in heels is a nightmare. You'd think I'd be pretty good at it by now but I still totter around sometimes."

I like him stripped down, tousled hair and bitten lips so it doesn't matter anyway.

"Did I mention Loretta is going to be gone all week?"

"For real? Come here beautiful."

I want to fuck Zayn all day but he gets so excited when he's Veronica, gets in his element when he dances up on stage. I wouldn't want to take that from him.

"This lipstick transfers," he frowns, pressing his fingers to his lips.

"Well then I just fucked up majorly."

We laugh as I pull him onto my lap. "Do that sexy thing you see in movies."

"That's really specific," he jokes. "Come on Harry, I'm gonna need more than that."

"Leave an imprint of your lips on my skin."

He gets this look on his face that I can't quite read and I brush back his hair, kiss his forehead.

"What's up babe?"

"Can we get matching tattoos?"

I'm tracing circles into his shoulder, lighting up at the idea.

"That's a yes, right?"

"That's a hell yes."

"Okay," he giggles, nuzzling the crook of my neck. "We're such dorks"

"Are you feeling better?"

He nods, firmly presses his hands to my chest as he climbs on top of me.

"Slow down," I tease. "Zayn is getting feisty."

"S'that what you want," he asks, breath warm as it fans across my neck. His lips tickle my earlobe before they ghost the crook of my neck, nearly touching my skin. Close but not quite.

"You gonna leave those lipstick marks or no?"

"Are you in control?"

I'm speechless for a second, blinking slowly but he can't help but laugh as his legs bracket my waist.

"Where'd this confidence come from?"

"Is it okay," he asks nervously.

"Why are you always looking for assurance babe? You're perfect."

That's all he needs.

It's euphoric. I just close my eyes and let him take me somewhere else as he sucks and nips at my sensitive skin, leaving little bruises, proof that I'm his and he's mine.

"I'm not covering these," I mumble. "Claire can fuck off."

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