something like that

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I laugh when the popcorn misses his mouth. He doesn't seem to care, just laughs at his misfortune before tossing another piece up into the air.

Success! I let out a cheer, stealing the bowl from him while he's distracted. He tackles me and we wrestle for it, laughter spilling from our lips. The bowl topples, the remaining popcorn spilling onto the carpet.

"Harry I am so sorry."

"Don't worry about it babe. It isn't a big deal. Maybe we should actually watch the movie."

"Nah. It's halfway over."

I brush some hair out of his face and he peeks up at me under long lashes, those golden eyes glimmering.

I'm smirking down at him, hands placed gently on his waist. "Wanna makeout?"

"Why would I ever say no to that?"

"If I had just eaten a can of sardines and spicy mustard you probably would."

"That's disgusting! Would you ever actually eat that?"

I chuckle in response, knuckles grazing his jaw.

"Of course you wouldn't. You're just trying to scare me. It's gonna take a lot more than that Curly."

"Um excuse me? I have the power to fuck you senseless."

He just laughs like it's nothing. Maybe he thinks I'm bluffing.

"Is this funny to you? Hmm?"

I'm biting back a smile as I ruffle his soft quiff, heart thudding in my chest.

"A little," he giggles. "Turn off the TV."

"Since when do I take orders from you?"

My mind is reeling as he grabs for the remote and switches off the telly, hands reaching for me in the dark.

"I think I promised you something. Wait in the bedroom for me."

Shivers run down my spine, shivers all over. It's so dark my eyes strain as they adjust to the light...or the lack thereof.

I'm staring at the carpet, sitting patiently on the edge of the bed. I feel a gust of cool air and his finger curling under my chin. He kisses me until I'm dizzy, panting as he pulls away.

There's a flicker of light as he turns on the lamp on the beside table.

He's tugging down my boxers, sinking onto his knees, cupping my member.

Without warning my hips buck as his soft, warm mouth suctions around me.

There's no hiding the fact that he's a professional, that he's given a thousand blowjobs but I can't complain, I just grunt softly, fingers tugging at his hair.

I'm hitting the back of his throat but his mouth flitters around me, no gagging, no struggle. He looks obscenely pretty, eyes flicking up at my face, cheeks hollowed out.

"Zayn," I moan, legs quaking.

It's a quick, powerful release. Somewhat sloppy but he doesn't mind, just swallows and wipes me clean.

He crawls into bed beside me, lays his head on my chest like it was no big deal.

"Thank you," I whisper.

I feel his weight as he leans across me, turns out the light.

"You let me into your home Harry. You have no idea how grateful I am."

He chuckles lightly, leaves a warm open-mouthed kiss on my shoulder.

"There's no need to thank me."

My finger traces up and down his spine. A soft sound gets caught in the back of his throat and I pull him into my arms, scatter kisses over his forehead, his temple, the bridge of his nose.

"You don't understand Zayn."

I can feel his heartbeat, the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he's pressed up against me.

"Understand what?"

Our lips brush again and my body is on fire. My heart is going wild for him, tongue doing the tango with his.

I leave him breathless. He whimpers at the loss of contact, runs his fingers through my hair and I nearly lose it.

I've never felt this way about anyone. This isn't what I pictured. I was in love with the idea of Veronica, I was infatuated. My whole life I lusted after women like her.

Here I am, wanting nothing more than the man in my arms.

He's absolutely everything. I love him more than I could have ever imagined and I know he feels the same.

"It's more than that Zayn. I let you in my heart. Let that be your shelter, let that be your home."

"I wasn't looking for love," he says softly. "I just hit a rough patch and I desperately needed the money. My last relationship was a disaster, I feel like I wasted so much of my life. The last thing I wanted to do is dive head first into something. I've put a lot of trust in you and I'm letting go so easily. It scares me Harry."

My fingers brush through his hair and he sighs.

"Now I'm starting to realize how vulnerable you are around me. It's...comforting in a strange way."

I press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "You shouldn't feel alone, okay? It's alright to be sensitive and I respect your femininity. Of course I'm vulnerable."

"Your heart is a very warm place," he giggles. "It's soft."

"Like a pillow," I ask biting back a smile.

"Something like that," he mumbles, lips finding mine.

We're in our own little dreamworld until his phone rings and he groans, rolling over to answer.

His face falters, brows knitting together and I wrap my arms around him.

"Why so upset babe?"

He rubs at his temples, closes his eyes and he's never looked sp exhausted.

"Saf is sick and I need to visit my family. I love them like crazy but I dread it so much. My dad always has something snarky to say about Veronica and my mum just doesn't understand. She thinks Zayn is perfect, she tells me I'm beautiful the way I am."

"Well," I tease. "She's not wrong."

"Will you come with me? Maybe if they see that I'm trying to embrace who I am and that I'm in a committed relationship they'll respect me more."

"Zayn, I think they love you no matter what. They probably just don't get why you want to be someone else. It might hurt them. You're their son. They want you to love yourself."

He nods, presses his cheek to my shoulder.

"But of course I'll go. I have your back no matter what."

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