the day she left

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it was a tuesday afternoon and me and brittany planned to go to the mall but she had a different idea how to spend that day. she told me she couldnt go but then my friend tells me she was with another girl. they were kissing and holding hands. my heart sank and i just broke down crying and didnt come out of my room or talk to anyone for a couple weeks. my friends started getting worried about me. my friend kelly decided to come over and help me get over "the bitch who broke my heart in a million pieces". she told me not to talk to her or even think about her. it was really hard not too think about the girl i fell in love with. i cant believe she would hurt me like that. she said she loved me but she lied to my fucking face and crush my soul. She gave me a damn ring but at this point all i want to do is throw it away. i never want to see her again. i unfriended her from my facebook. Now she wants to know what is going on with me. kelly messages her to leave me alone and she called a two-faced whore. i still decide to lay in my bed in the dark to forget about her. everything reminds me of her. everything she said was a damn lie. my friend audrey who is bi or a lesbian im not totally sure. She asks me out and i say yes due to the fact that i need to get over that bitch brittany. i thought she would help but due to her i spirled out of control. i was cutting and taking pills to ease the deppression. what audrey didnt know was that i didnt really love her. just after a day or two dating her she told me she wanted to marry me and have kids together. She made me promise that we would. She told me what she wanted wich were to shower with me and other things. i broke up with her but due to peer pressure and bullying i went back out with her and that happened another 4 times. she was so depressed and lied that i gave up on her. she wanted to kiss me more than i wanted to kiss her. she was rude and hateful and she always asked why i liked brittany and why i went out with her. i never knew why i agreed. i wish i hadnt.  wished i never fell in love with the bitch. she was just as a liar as audrey was. i never understood why i fell in love with such a fucking whore ass bitch. she never loved me back all she wanted was someone else. she found the girl she wanted well at least she thought. Me and brittany started talking again. somehow she became my best friend. i still really loved her but i knew she didnt love me. she would message me saying she still loved me and if she could she would have us both. she ended up telling me she was going to marry the girl that she was dating then whos name was brooke.  When they graduated they would and she wanted me there. i didnt want to but i accepted because i know now that i cant have her. i just cry and cry and just lose myself and just take so many pills and just pray that i died that night. i woke up even more deppressed and just stay in my room sleeping and cutting and ignoring the world. im not eating much anymore. i stopped caring about people. i started being hateful and rude to everyone. its been two months and she told me she is in love with someone and it isnt brooke...

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