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(Zayn's POV)

I was being guided out of Liam's room by the nurse, but I stop in my tracks. I turn around.

"May I stay?"

There was hesitation before the nurse spoke. Well, it was more like silence.

I know that my question was out of the blue. I just needed to know. Something was bugging me.

I can hear Opal and Doctor Haas already walking down the hallway. It was just me and the nurse.

I can tell the nurse was looking at me. Examining me.

"Why Zayn?" she finally asks.

She didn't say no. She asked why. As in, I might be able to.

"Because he needs someone there if he wakes up," I reply with honesty. But not the whole truth.

It's also because I want to make sure the boy I saved will be alright. I want to be that someone to stay with him in case anything goes wrong.

I feel the responsibility to look after Liam even I physically can't. I'm useless to everyone but not to Liam. He needs someone with him. And that someone will be me.

I hear the nurse sigh.

"Well visitors are still allowed in rooms," she pauses then continues, "Oh, okay. I'll tell Doctor Haas and I'll also be checking up on you in about twenty minutes,"

"Thanks so much," I say and trail off. I never got her name.

"Dani," she replies.

"Thanks Dani," I say with a small smile.

I hear her walk away but then I realize I don't know where I had come from or where I am.

"Um, Dani?" I call, turning my head towards where her footsteps has started to disappear.

"Yes Zayn?" She asks, her footsteps coming closer.

"Can you help me to that seat in the room?" I ask a little embarrassed.

Since I was little, I've always been independent and doing things solo and me becoming blind has made my life quite different.

Everyone has to help me, and most of the time, I hate it.

I hate relying on others because I feel like I'm wasting their time with my useless needs.

"Sure thing," Dani says cheerfully and walks towards me.

She has one hand on my left hip while she's on my right, guiding me to the chair I had previously sat in.

I slide into the seat and I take my walking stick and maneuver it so it is resting against the left arm of the chair so I don't have to worry about it.

I thank Dani for her help and she walks out of the room, closing the door leaving me with Liam.

I hear the heart monitor's beeps and the pump; what I'm guessing is for oxygen because of Liam's muffled voice.

I don't know what to say to Liam. But I know I want to say something.

"Hi Liam, it's Zayn. I'm here for you,"

(Liam's POV)

I drift in and out of sleep and hazy dreams.

I keep hearing an unfamiliar voice. But it's soothing. I can't make out what the voice is saying but it sure is nice to listen to.

And that's when the voice starts to come into focus.

"- I didn't know what I did wrong. He just," and then there's a pause. And a quite short cry of pain and heart break.

Guided by Love // a ziam fanfic (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now