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(Zayn's POV)

Liam had started coughing. And cussing. And I knew something was wrong. But I didn't know what to do.

He had just been changed from an oxygen mask to tubes about fifteen minutes before his attack.

Dani had come in and changed it while Liam was still sleeping.

Liam is now getting x-rays.


I am now in the waiting room.


The doctor found a build up of fluids in the air sacs of Liam's lungs which had caused his coughing and apparently he was coughing up blood and didn't have very good heart rate.

He did sound really out of breath while speaking to me.

The rain hit the window at a continuous and repetitive pattern. The thunder clapped loudly in the sky and Jeopardy was still playing on the staticky television.

Opal had gone to get some food for herself and I. When she had left, she told me it was 3:25.

That was about twenty minutes ago.

I have been at the hospital for pretty much the whole day and haven't had lunch. I guess all the waiting and stress made me ignore my hunger.

I don't know but when Opal had mentioned food, my stomach has been loudly growling ever since.

How could I have not noticed my hunger. On a normal basis, I eat when ever I can get good on my hands which is literally every minute of the day when I'm at my temp house.

Or that's what I call it.

I'm fostered because of my parents. I don't like thinking of it because it makes me really worked up and I; I just can't.

Talk about foster, my foster mother must be worried about me.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket. I flipped the phone around until I found the home button.

Then I press it and then hold it down until the beep signaled me to speak.

I held the phone close to me face and I said quietly, "Call Jules, home,"

"Calling Jules, home," Siri responded.

I hold the phone to me ear and listen to the ringing. Well, the one ring I could listen to.

Almost immediately, my foster mom, Jules, picks up.

"Zayn, where are you. You should have been home like ten minutes ago. And the school called saying you weren't there today. And I called you so many times. I'm worried, where are you," a familiar voice says in a rush.

"Don't worry, I'm at the hospital, I'm fine," I say smoothly.

"What?! Hospital? What happened! I'm on my way, I'll be there in-"

"No, no, I never got hurt. I'm here for a friend. He's in surgery and I've been here for him all day," I reply, cutting my foster mother off.

I guess you can consider Liam a friend.

"Oh, you're-you're not in the hospital," Jules sighs with relief.

I let out a light chuckle and reply, "Nope, I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to call to tell you I won't be coming home tonight. I need to stay here for Liam,"

"Liam? Wait, stay? No, no, no,"

"The friend. And what do you mean no, Jules?" I say in an angry tone.

Guided by Love // a ziam fanfic (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now