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(Zayn's POV)

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day for me. I hop out of my seat and I throw my backpack over my shoulder and onto my back. I then grab my walking stick that was resting against my desk. I walk out to the room, waving the aid around in front of me.

All I hear all the kids talking loudly and laughing while I walk down the hall, but all I was focused on was hearing Liam's voice; feeling his hands on my waist; and his eyes on; me and just being able to be by him.

I feel sunlight hit my face and I feel the heat rise, indicating me that I have just walked out of the doors of my school.

I walk forward, having no idea where Liam might be but I suddenly feel an arm snake around my waist, making me jump in surprise.

I feel a pair of lips meet my cheek and a familiar voice whisper in my ear, "Hey Zee, I've missed you,"

I crack a smile and turn towards the voice.

"Liam, you found me," I say with a smile.

"Well of course I did. I've been waiting for about an hour in front of the school," Liam replies, his hands resting on my waist.

"An hour? I'm so sorry Liam," I remark, guilt nagging me.

"No, Zee, it's fine. I would wait forever for you," Liam says sweetly and plants a light kiss on my forhead.

I don't say anything. I don't know to say. I feel my cheeks get hit with embarrassment and I smile as best as I can.

Liam chuckles and takes his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. He lifts his hand that's holding mine and kisses the back of my hand.

"You're so cute," me murmurs against the back of my hand and then pecks it again.

He drops our hands and let's go of mine, to then snake his arm around my waist, pulling me slightly closer to him.

"Let's get going, what do you say Zee?" he says, his voice soothing and happy.

"I say lets," I answer.

Liam turns and he leads me forward, and around some objects, until he stops.

"Stay right here, I'm just going to get the car started," Liam says, kisses me on the cheek and then lets go of my shoulder.

All this affection that Liam is showing towards me makes me think of what had happened in the hospital room. It's a moment I will never forget.

I sit in the same chair as normal. It's a Friday and Jules dropped me off today because of her work. Opal had run to get dinner and I am left with Liam to talk.

It's been more than a week and Liam and I have gotten to know each other fairly well.

Conversation with him is easy and I have told him things I normally wouldn't tell anyone I have just met about two weeks ago.

There's silence though; and I just am listening to the constant beep of Liam's heart monitor, which he didn't need at this point of his hospital visit yet is still connected in case of any emergency.

I can feel Liam watching at me.

He's been doing that lately, just watching me and I never know why. It's not like I mean anything to him.

"Liam," I say.

"Zayn," Liam says back and I turn my head towards the voice that makes me weak in the knees.

"Why do you stare at me all the time?" I inquire.

"Do you really want to know Zayn?" Liam asks back.

"Yes and why do you always say my name?" I ask, cocking my head slightly to the right.

Liam takes a breath and is quiet.

"I don't know if I should say this," Liam says, his voice dropping in volume.

"Why not, is everything okay?" I ask, slightly worried.

"No, no, everything is perfect." Liam murmurs.

"Then," I pause quickly, "what?"

"I just, you're just so," he stops mid sentence and sighs.

"Liam?" I ask softly.

Then I hear the bed creak as Liam moves. I hear his bare feet touch the floor and his footsteps come towards me.

I feel his hand cover my own. I look up towards him and he takes my hand into his. He then helps me up, so I standing in front if him and his body is close to mine.

His hands rest on my hips, holding me close.

"I'm not used to this," he breathes.

His face is close to mine.

"To what?" I ask gently. My hands travel up Liam's arms, running over his defined muscles and then rest on his shoulders.

Silence blankets us both, yet it's a comfortable silence.

I then raise my hands cautiously up towards Liam's face.

"May I?" I whisper.

Liam doesn't respond and my hands touch the sides of his face, my thumbs caressing his cheeks, his eyes, his nose his lips.

My right thumb sits on Liam's lip and I run it down, going over his bottom lip and then moving it to the right corner of Liam's lips slowly.

"To this feeling," Liam responds quietly.

"What do you feel?" I murmur. I slowly take my hands down and drop them by my side.

"I feel-"Liam stops and he takes a breath. He takes his left hand off my right hip and brings it up to my face, stroking my cheek as I had done to him.

"My heart stops when I see you. And my stomachs flips when I hear your name. I melt when I look in your beautiful eyes and my body feels weak yet strong when you're around.

"You put up with me when I first met you, but I want you to know that,"

Liam stops again and breathes. Then he continues. While he's speaking, my heart is pounding, nervous and feeling so much... love and passion in his voice.

"That I don't deserve someone like you to stay with me. That you are the most beautiful person,inside and out, that has ever walked this Earth."

"And that, honestly, I'm glad I got shot because without that bullet, I would never be here with the most beautiful person right now: you, Zayn,"

I feel a tear roll down my cheek but Liam's catches it and I feel his forehead against mine.

"You've changed me, Zayn Malik. Over the past week or two, I know it's not a long time but, I have learned that there is something in life to live for. That someone like you is here for me, waiting for me at the end of the tunnel of darkness every single day."

The roar of the car startles me and brings me back to reality.

I hear Liam's footsteps come towards me and I feel his hands rest on my shoulders.

"You ready?" He says as he walks me towards the car.

"More ready than I'll ever be," I remark with a grin.

Liam lets go of my shoulder and I hear the car door open. He then rests his hands on my shoulders again and helps me into the car.

He shuts the door and then the driver's door opens and closes and I hear him situate himself in the seat.

I hear the car beep and feel it back up. Then, Liam shifts the car back into drive and pulls forward.

He grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together.

"Let's go have the best time of our life," Liam says and I can tell he's smiling. I smile back and turn towards him.

I rub the back of Liam's hand with my thumb gently and reply, "Let's,"

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