twenty seven

137 17 1

"Zayn," I try again. I reach towards Zayn and this time I set my hand on his knee. "Please just let me-"

"Liam," Zayn says, his voice as sharp as a knife. I shut my mouth, anxious.

"I- I just want you to know that I'm proud of you. I want you to know that your history doesn't define you, who you are and what you are. You're a strong person if you can get out of that mess sane."

"Are you," I ask, "afraid of me?"

Zayn is quiet for a second, his hesitation making my heart beat faster with anxiety.

"No, I'm not scared of you," he says, looking up at me, "I'm scared for you,"

"For me? Why?" I question, confused.

"Because that man who robbed you, who shot you," Zayn says, his voice slightly shaking, "is the same man who did this to me,"

"Strong German accent?" I ask.





"Yes! For God's sake! Yes, it was him Liam!" Zayn screams, his eyes starting to tear up. "I'm scared Liam; for you for me, for Harry and Louis. I'm scared."

"Hey," I say in a hushed voice. I scoot closer to Zayn. I carefully pull him into my lap and he rests his head against my shoulder, his tears wetting my shirt.

"It's okay. We'll get through this and work it out," I say reassuringly, however in the back of my mind, I wonder how everything will turn out. I want everyone I love to be safe. But with me around them, with my past following me, will they ever?

"We will won't we?" Zayn says, looking at me with big eyes. His long lashes coast shadows down his cheek bones. "And as long as I have you, I'm going to be okay," Zayn adds, with a small smile.

"Right," I say, taking a breath.


"Rise and shine little boys," Louis' voice sounds.

"What the fuck Lou, you always do this," I mumble, throwing s hand over my face.

"What Liam," Louis says with a laugh, "it's only six in the morning,"

"Louis!" I say loudly. I grab the nearest pillow and chuck it into the direction of him. I hear a thump.

"You just caused me some pain, Payne," Louis mutters and trudges out of the room, his footsteps disappearing.

I lay my head back down and tighten my arms around Zayn. I feel him shift, his body moving closer to me. "What time is it?" he grumbles, his voice deep and husky.

"To early to say," I respond. I lean into Zayn and peck his cheek. I lay back down and he turns so he's facing me, his head level to my chest and his legs curled and intertwined around mine.

His thin fingers trace delicate shapes on the skin of my chest, leaving a blazing trail behind. "I wish we could stay here in bed together, safe from everyone," Zayn whispers, not looking up from his artwork on my body.

"We could if you want, I mean, we could have Louis and Harry bring us food every day, we have a bathroom, we have each other," I say. Zayn lets out a snort in laughter and presses his palm to my chest, over my heart beat. He looks up at me with a small smile.

"You know what I mean," he murmurs. "I know, but I wouldn't mind staying with you forever in here. You by my side, me being able to hold you close. I couldn't as for better," I respond.

A blush creeps on his cheeks and he raises his face towards mine and I set my lips upon his.

His lips a soft, his jaw is lined with unshaven hair, his skin is soft as I cradle his face with my hand.

It was a delicate kiss but it turned into more. His mouth opened slightly, his tongue traced my bottom lip and our breaths were limited and short as I turn so my body is hovering over his.

I move down to his neck, his skin warm and his chest moving up and down at a quick pace. His briefs, I feel below me, are becoming tighter as well as mine. But I can't control it.

My lips are on every inch of his skin, his muscles flexing and un-flexing beneath me.

Zayn drops my name from his lips in utter gasps and sighs as I move down his body. His hands grip my hair and tug slightly as I pull the band of his briefs down. His mouth forms an "o" as mine goes around his length. His body trembles under me as I move up and down, sucking, moving my tongue skillfully over his tip and place my hands over his bucking hips.


"Where's Zayn?" Louis asks, leaning back in his chair.

"Just waking up," I respond.

"Okay," Louis says and says nothing else, very unlike him.

"How are the pancakes?" Harry asks, plopping himself down in the chair besides Louis.

"Great like always," Louis says. Harry beams. Harry looks as me. "Yeah, delicious," I say with a small smile.

"So how was your morning Louis?" Harry asks. Louis smirks at Harry and says, "Absolutely exhilarating,"

"Well that's just great, babe," Harry says with a smile. He then look at me. He puts his hand up to his face and points to his chin. "You've got a little something something on your face Payne," he says and then resumes to eating.

I put my hand up to my chin and wipe it. I pull my hand away from my face and quickly wipe it on my napkin. On my fingers was a smear of dried cum.

"A little fun this morning?" Louis asks. "You two are hilarious," I mutter. "Aw come one Liam. We have sex, you have sex, everyone has sex! Don't need to hide it from us," Louis exclaims.

"Woah, first of all, it wasn't 'sex'. And second of all, don't embarrass Zayn," I say, serious. "We won't! We just want to embarrass you!" Harry laughs.

"Well don't you have great friends," a voice says from behind me. The chair next to me slides back and Zayn sits down, with only a pair of basket ball shorts on, leaving his chest bare.

"I do, don't I," I say with a smile. I lean over and kiss Zayn's cheek. "You look beautiful," I whisper in his ear before I pull away. I begin to eat my food again. Beside me, I feel Zayn's radiant smile.

Guided by Love // a ziam fanfic (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now