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(Opal's POV)
It has been a few days since Liam has left me and the only place I can think about him being is that kid, Louis's flat.

I heave a sigh as I climb up the steps the the front door and force myself to knock on the door. As I wait, I think about my situation.

My grandson, Liam is missing, avoiding me and his bastard of a friend is helping him avoid me.

So here I am, trying to get my grandson back and putting an end to this bull shit.

The wind blows causing me to shiver. Come on, answer the door. I think impatiently.

Then the door swings open, showing a surprised face.

"Oh, Opal, hi," Jules says, taken back about my presence on her doorstep.
I force a kind smile, pushing back my troubling thoughts.

"Jules, hi. I was just in the neighborhood, and decided to stop by to talk," I say.

Jules hesitates, but then lets out a breath and opens the door and moves aside. "Come in," I walk in, glad to be out of the cold.

Jules closes the door and leads me to her living room and sits down. I take a seat and she looks around, awkwardly.

"Erm, would you like some tea?" she asks, looking at me.

I shake my head politely, declining her gesture and open my mouth to speak.
"I came wondering about my grandson and your son." I say.

Jules' face drops into a concerned look.
"Oh?" she questions, oblivious to what has been happening behind her back.

"I think that our sons have been seeing each other. And I strongly oppose this situation, and I believe that you do as well?" I ask. Jules nods firmly. "Now to settle it, I first wanted to know what you thought about the situation," I say, placing my hands neatly in my lap and looking into Jules' disappointed and confused eyes.

"Well, I had no idea about this. Are you sure about this?" Jules asks.

I nod my head and say, "Ninety-nine point nine percent sure. I have spoken to Liam's... to a person about Liam and put the pieces of the puzzle together." Jules nods.

"What did you find out?" she inquires.

"Well, I got the kid to say that Liam has been staying with him. And I have Liam's phone bill and have noticed the multiple three to five hour conversations. Has Zack been on his phone a lot lately?" I state. 

Jules coughs awkwardly and says, "It's Zayn, and yes indeed he has. And he is always stuttering and flushing when I ask about his calls. He tells me its about school."

"Luckily," she continues, "I overheard him calling the person babe, and also saying Liam's name,"

I huff, my anger boiling. I will not take this behavior from my grandson.

I smile, devilishly.

"Let's put an end to this, shall we?" I suggest. Jules gives a confused look but gives in.


(Zayn's POV)

I feel the car take a smooth left turn and then pull to a stop. Liam shuts off the car and unbuckles his seat belt.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Definitely," I smile.

Liam opens his door. I unbuckle my seat belt and prepare to get out, but right when I did, my door opens and I feel Liam take my hand.

Guided by Love // a ziam fanfic (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now