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(Liam's POV)

I walk up to Louis' flat.

On my way here, the dark clouds over head had grown even darker and with one clap of thunder, rain had started pouring. Hard.

Now, I'm soaking wet and freezing cold.

I wrap my arms around myself and duck my head so the rain doesn't fall into my eyes.

I have my duffel bag slung over my sight shoulder. It holds only a few outfits and a few of my toiletries. Gran had brought it from my flat to bring to hers while I was going to stay at her flat. Obviously that is not going to happen now. It is all I have with me. I don't have my key to my flat and I have no idea where it is because I had given it to Gran to pick up my clothes yesterday.

As I walk up to Louis' flat, I notice that Harry's car is parked in front and I mentally sigh in relief.

I love Louis and Harry together and I feel that they would know how to handle my situation I am in because Harry had gone through it too with his father.

I knock on the door and I wait for a good two minutes before Louis pulls open the door in only his boxers; his face flushed and beads of sweat on his forehead.

I can tell by Louis' face that I look terrible.

"Oh my god, Liam, come in. You're soaking," Louis says and moves aside.

I mumble thanks as I squeeze past him and I stand on the mat so I didn't get the floor wet and slippery. Louis closes the door and then walks over to the hall enterance. I set my wet duffel bag on the floor next to my feet.

"Hey, Haz, it's just Liam. Can you get him a towel, love?" he calls down the hall to Harry.

I hear Harry's familiar raspy, deep voice respond with a yes.

I just stand at the door and Louis walks back over to me and stands straight in front of me.

"So, today, you got out of the hospital after being shot and you are standing in front of me soaking wet with your duffel bag?" Louis questions as he examines me, noticing my duffel bag. He points at it and eyes me.

"It's a long story Lou, don't question me right now please," I sigh with a shiver.

Louis gives me one last glance. I know he is trying to work out what had happened.

"I'll go get you some clothes and tea," he says and walks down the hall just as Harry does with a towel folded over his arm. They share a kiss and smile as they walk by each other.

Harry is also in his boxers and his hair is pushed back.

Nice sex hair Harry, I think, mentally rolling my eyes.

"Liam, how are you doing?" Harry asks as he drapes the towel over my shoulders. I pull it tight around my body.

"Fine," I lie.

Harry chuckles and pats my shoulder.

"Obviously you aren't. Are you in any pain right now?" Harry asks.

"A bit, but I have pills to take later," I say and Louis comes walking back down the hall with a fresh pair of pajamas.

After about ten minutes later, I find myself sitting on the bed with Louis and Harry with blankets around all of us. Louis is sitting up and Harry has his head in Louis' lap as he plays with his hair. I am just lounging against the backboard of the bed sipping my warm tea as Louis shares what he has been doing at work.

The three of us have done this, cuddled together, except Louis and Harry cuddle together and I'm just usually sitting by myself, so it isn't weird between us.

Guided by Love // a ziam fanfic (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now