twenty six

245 21 2

"I'll be fine Liam, please," I beg as Liam asks me for the ten millionth team if I need anything. I'm tucked in bed with the covers right below my chin and an empty bowl of soup by the bed side. I have bandages on all of my cuts and a bag of frozen peas on my eye that's turning a tinge of blue.

Liam looks down at me, his eyes so full concern.

"Okay," he says with a small smile on his lips. He bends down and kisses my forehead, lingering slightly longer than he normally would. When he pulls back, his eyes are slightly shining with tears.

"What's wrong?" I question quietly. "I just- I just can't believe of my foolishness," Liam whispers back, his voice shaky yet not breaking.

"You weren't foolish." I state as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yes, I was. I'm so sorry." Liam says.

"Are you sure you can't remember the face of the person?" Liam whispers, his voice distant.

I had told Liam, Louis and Harry he didn't remember the face of my attacker.

That I was too scared to remember, too much adrenaline.

"I'm sure," I respond, almost inaudibly.

"Okay," is all Liam says.

(Liam's POV)

I know who beat my Zayn. Who dared to lay a finger on him. Not by name, not by gender, not by age and not by looks. But by number in my phone.

I was in the club, sitting at the table waiting for Zayn. Panic had started to rise when I didn't see Zayn, but stupidity told me that he was okay. I waited for him for about twenty minutes, not daring to leave the booth just in case he did come out of the crowd.

But when I had received a text from a blocked number and I braced myself as I slid the unlock button of my phone to read the text. There a text and one photo attached. As the photo loaded, I read the text. The text read:

Just a little fun

My hands shook as I opened the photo and it loaded. I had choked out a scream as the photo shined brightly on the phone screen.

Zayn was slumped against the wall, his face bloodied and barely recognizable. Blood stained his shirt and his face was contorted in pain.

I looked around frantically for Harry and Louis and thankfully saw them not too far making out against the wall.

My adrenaline had made me push away the fact that my two best friends were sucking faces and groping each other and I stomped over to them. I grabbed the back of Harry's shirt, who was pushing Louis against the wall and grinding against him.

His words were along the lines of "what the fuck," but my mind was else where. I stomped away, dragging Harry behind me who was holding onto Louis' wrist behind him.

Once we had gotten outside, the sound of Harry moaning and Louis complaining filled my ears. "Shut the hell up guys!" I had screamed at them. That made them shut their traps because never really hear me yell.

"Woah, Liam, what's wrong?" Louis said, realizing something was wrong. "Yeah sorry, where- where is Zayn," Harry exclaims looking around, his voice starting to sound worried.

"That's the fucking reason I dragged your horny asses out here. Look at this photo. We need to find him. Now," I had said, my voice weaker by the second with tears. I shoved my phone at Louis and Harry and their faces dropped and filled with concern and fear.

"Let's go," was all Louis had said before we sprinted to the car. And that was when and where we found Zayn, head lolling back against the tire.

Now I look at Zayn, an ice pack covering one of his beautiful eyes and his face all cleaned of the blood. His cheek is bruising as well as his jaw. I saw as he changed out of his clothes that his ribs were bruised pretty badly as well.

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