Chapter 26

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Adriana's POV

when we enter the airplane we found our seats, we sit and I let all my tears fall that l am holding earlier.

then I saw my mom look at me "sweetie what's wrong?" she ask "it's nothing mom" I said wiping my tears "no Adri, tell me what's wrong" she said "I'll miss justin mom" I said starting to cry again "sweetie, don't worry, let's just hope that days are fast" she said then I lay my head on her shoulders continuing to cry until i fell asleep.

"sweetie, we're here" I heard mom said, so I open my eyes and stretch my body and get up.

we are already outside the airport and now we are waiting for a cab to drive as at the apartment.

we finally arrived at the apartment and checked in.

when I enter our room my eyes widen

"wow mom this is beautiful" I said while my eyes are exploring the whole room.

"so where's my room mom" I ask "uhm you can go there" she said pointing at the right side room where is close to the balcony.

I enter the room and saw a huge bed and a study table.

I put down my bag in the bed and my luggae at the side of my bed.

I walk outside my room and hed to the balcony.

When I walk outside at the balcony I saw a table with two chairs and the view...waoh it's beautiful, I can see the Eiffel tower from here.

"Adri" I heard my mom "yes?" I ask walking inside the room "lunch? I know you're already hungry" she said sitting at the chair of the dining table, I nodded and smiled while walking towards the dining table and sit.

so while we are eating my mom ask "so do you already called Justin?" "oh shit" I said standing up but my mom stopped me "where are you going?" she ask "call Justin" I reply "we're eating sweetie, you can call him after" she said, I nodded,sat down and continue to eat.

after eating I sat on the couch and grab my phone to call Justin.

"sweetie I'll be going to meet ms. silvia, Just stay here,  but if you want to go out make sure to call me first okay?" she said "alright" I said, mom gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

I went to contacts and call Justin until he answer

*phone call*

Justin:hello? Adri?
me: hi Justin, I miss you
Justin: I miss you too Adri
me: how is my boyfriend?
Justin: I'm good, don't worry about me
Justin: how about my girlfriend?
me: I'm better but I'll be more better if you're here by my side, I miss you
I said started to cry
Justin: are you crying?
me: yes but don't worry it's nothing
Justin:please stop crying, I don't want hearing you cry
then I wipe my tears
me: I'm sorry, I just can't help it
Justin: you know if I'm there seeing you cry, I'll hug you and kiss you until you're comfortable again
me: I'm alright maybe I'll call you again later okay?
Justin:yea, love you
me:love you too

then I hung up.

after crying about 3 minutes in the couch, I decided to go out for a walk.

I called my mom to let her knew I'll go for a walk.

I grab my phone then lock the room before heading outside.

while I am walking I saw starbucks and walk in.

after ordering I sit in a chair and grab my phone to check my social media.

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