Chapter 48

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Adriana's POV

we are sitting on the ground admiring the beauty of the view, then I look at my ring.

I can't believe I'm engaged, is this true?! and I'm engaged to the person I've been with since we're kids! wahh

I rest my head on Justin's shoulder "I can't believe I will be soon to be Mrs. Bieber" I said then he giggle "I know babe" he replied "let's go home?" he added then I nod.

we walk out of the building and drove off back home.

Justin parks his car in front of the porch , I open the door and ran over mom.

"mom" I said excitedly "what?" she ask "I'm engaged, I'm gonna be soon to be Mrs. Bieber" I said smiling big

"wow, congrats sweetie, I'm sure your dad is also proud of you" she said smiling then I hug her.

"babe" I heard Justin say, I pulled away from the hug and turn around "I'll be going home, see you tomorrow" Justin said then kiss my forehead

"alright, drive safe" I replied then he gave me a quick peck on the lips and smiled before leaving the house.

"I'll go to my room mom" I said then she nodded.

I ran inside my room and call Caitlin.

I dialed her number and she pick up fast

*phone call*

Cait: hey girl
Cait: hey calm down
me: I can't, I'm getting married
Cait: to who
me: to justin, duh
Cait: just kidding girl, congrats
me:thank you
Cait: actually I helped Justin about all of that
me: really?! thank you
Cait: before he propose to you, he said he's nervous and what if you answer no, things like that
me: oh
Cait: and he said that out of all the girls he dated you are the most special
me: aww sweet
Cait: you are lucky you have Justin
me: I know
Cait: cause he is the sweetest boyfriend I've ever met
me: yea, me too
Cait:so talk to you tomorrow?
me: yea, bye
Cait: bye girl

then I hung up and threw myself in my bed.

I think and think about random stuff and after that I fell asleep.

I think and think about random stuff and after that I fell asleep

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I woke up by my alarm ringing, I press it and rub my eyes.

I stretch my body and got up from bed.

"Good morning soon to be Mrs. Bieber" Cait pop up on my door and I gasp "oh my gosh, can you please learn how to knock" I said

then she chuckles and walk closer to me "so what plans?" Cait ask "don't have" I replied

"then let's make one" she said smiling "you think" I replied.

Cait rub his chin while thingking then she smiled and look at me "how about the four of us go bowling?" she ask "who's the four of us?" I ask

"me, chaz, you and your Fiancé" She replied "okay, what time so I can tell Justin" I ask "maybe 2:30? what do you think?" she ask

"alright" I replied then she smiles "I'm gonna go tell Chaz" she said then I nodded bfore sge leaves the room.

*text message*

to justin:
babe, good morning, wanna go bowling with us?

I click send then wait for him to reply, my phone buzz then look at it

from Justin:
good morning babe, sure what time?

to Justin:

from Justin:
alright see you later babe, love you

to Justin:
love you too

I check my clock and it's already 12:23 i. the afternoon, I have 2 more hour to get ready.

I grab my towel and head inside the bathroom and take a long shower.

after taking a shower, I head out of the bathroom and put my undergarments and put lotion on my legs and arms.

after that I put on my outfit on (pic below) then look at the clock, 1:30

then I sit on my vanity chair and started doing a light make up and my hair

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then I sit on my vanity chair and started doing a light make up and my hair.

after putting makeup, I blow dry my hair and let it fall freely.

"hey ready?" Cait ask tehn I look at the time, it's 2:03 the look back to Cait "yea, just wait me downstairs" I replied then she nodded.

I look at my vanity mirror and grab my purse and bag.

I went down the stairs and look at Chaz and Cait.

"let's go?" I ask then they nodded.

Chaz held the small of the back of Caitlin and they look at each other and smile "you look cute" I said looking at them.

we walk out of the house and went in the car then drove off to Justin's house

Cait honk to signal Justi. that we're already in front of his porch, suddenly Justin went out of their house and open the car door at the back.

he sat beside me and pull me closer "good afternoon" he greeted then kissed my temple "good afternoon" I greeted back

we arrived at the bowling alley and went in.

we put our bowling shoes.

I sat on one of the chairs there while they play, but Justin turn around and walk closer to me

"hey let's play" Justin said softly "no, I'm fine, I can't play bowling" I replied "come here, I'll teach you" he said pulling me to stand up

I sigh and stood up then he pull me to the bowling lane, Justin grabs a ball and walk behind me

he put my hand on the ball and held my waist "if I say throw, you throw it hard" he whisper then I nodded.

"throw" he whisper then he guide me to throw it hard then I watch it as it rolls and it hit all ten pins.

I smiled big and look at Justin as he smiles "I did it" I said happily "see now you know how to play bowling" Justin replied then I hug him.

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