Chapter One: Dreams

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Teen Wolf characters or plots. I only take credit for Charlie Kavanagh.


 Bright, sharp light illuminates the small area of the game field. The sudden change in light washes out the grass and bleachers to the side of the field. In the distance, I can barely see the silhouettes of the trees but I do pick up on someone strutting towards me. I squint my eyes at the figure, hoping he’s who I want him to be.

“Jackson? Jackson, is that you?” I ask. The figure moves closer but I still can’t see his face. It has to be him. Who else would be out on the lacrosse field? Another voice boomed through the clearing.


I turn and see Stiles sprinting across the field. His hazel eyes stare wildly at the man behind me and I turn away from the frantic boy. It wasn’t Jackson. The air leaves my chest and I try to run to Stiles but the stranger restrains me. We struggle for several minutes before I feel a white-hot pain in my side. I don’t remember much after that. I think I must have passed out.

The lights in the hospital bother my eyes. Everything seems to be bothering my eyes tonight. I feel miserable. The bite on my side still hurts every time I touch it, another constant reminder that the lunatic who bit me is still out there. I roll off my bed. Another shower will help.

“Do you need help getting into the shower?” my dad asks.

I shoot him a look. “Maybe if I was four and still taking bubble baths.”

I hear him chuckle awkwardly. “Well, I’ll just be out in the hallway… Where it’s slightly less sarcastic.”

The hospital gown slides away from shoulders and into a heap on the floor. I toss it up on the chair before I step inside the shower. These showers have been my safe-haven the past few days. It’s the only place I’m truly be alone at. It’s the only place where I can try and escape the events of that night.

My fingers brush against the bite and I wince. I fight back the memories as they threaten to come up. Instead I focus on my hair. Soaking it through. A crash brings me out of my mind and I jerk the shower curtain back some wondering where the noise came from. I hadn’t realized until I closed the curtain that my heart is beating frantically. I look down but what I see only confuses me.

The water, now flooding the tub, is a dark brown. Almost like a mixture of blood and dirt. I kneel down into the water and run my hands through it. When I surface them, they are covered in wet hair. I gag and rid my hands of the offending hair as quickly as possible. I dig back in to the water. I need to get the hair out of the water. It can’t be in here with me. It can’t. A hand snatches up, out of the water and grips my arm.

I scream.

In my panic, I climb through the window just over the tub and sprint for the woods. I don’t care that I’m naked. I don’t care that people might be worried about. All that I care about is getting away and running through the woods seems like a good plan. I drop my bottom jaw once more and scream the loudest I have ever screamed before.

“Charlie! CHARLIE! Wake up!”

I jerk awake, the scream dying from my lips. I take in deep, ragged breaths as my eyes search my surroundings frantically. When I see the familiar paintings and layout of my room, I calm and glance at my wide-eyed sister. I sit up and push her away. It was just a dream. Only a dream. Yet, there is something I can’t shake about it. Something that felt incredibly real. I look up to see my sister still sitting on the side of my bed. She’s waiting for an explanation.

“I’m okay,” I say but she doesn’t buy it. “Really, Anna. I’m okay. Go back to bed.”

She bites her lip, unsure. Something in her resolve breaks though because she stands. Maybe she realizes that I don’t intend to explain my dream to her.

“Fine but if you need me-“

“Yeah, I know. Come and I get you,” I say. Reluctantly, she leaves my room.

I throw the blankets away from my body. The air in the room chills my sweat-covered skin. I shiver, more from the realistic dream than the sudden cold. I’m okay. I’m okay. I repeat this mantra over and over in my head. It doesn’t help. Because someone out there isn’t okay.

I feel it in deep in my heart and even further down than that. A telling scar, nestled inside the curve of the right side of waist, is burning white hot and has been since I woke. I recall the young girl in my dream. She had been injured in a similar place. Perhaps it’s something to do with her. My gaze snaps over to my closet door and then to my bedroom door. By now, my sister would already be settling into a deep sleep. I stare back at my closet door and launch my body across to it, throwing clothes and anything and everything I might need into a couple of suitcases.

I’m okay but someone, somewhere, isn’t and I need to find them.

Authors note: Welcome to Charlie's world. As the story continues the chapters will get longer but I didn't want to have an incredibly long first chapter. I'm also going to set up a schedule in the next coming days so I can update on a regular basis. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Side authors note: I started this and just completely disappeared. Well, I'm back and I've edited the chapters I've already posted. There's not much difference in them but just enough to warrant another read to make sure there's nothing extra added.

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