Chapter Four: Of Course, Werewolves

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I stare up at the endless supply of door knobs and try not to feel overwhelmed. I am by no means handy. I can’t fix the plumbing, set up a television, or even attempt to put together a piece of furniture without the process ending badly. This means I have no idea as to how I’m supposed to replace of door knob or even which one to get. I glance around, seeing if there’s someone nearby but find the entire aisle empty.

With a scrunched up nose, I pick the one that looks the most similar to my original door knob and make my way to the front to pay. As I go, I pray I don’t need anything to replace it with. Hopefully a butter knife will work just as well as a screwdriver. The greying man behind the counter says nothing as he rings the replacement knob up so I think I’m in the clear. I hope.

I step out onto the pavement and turn left towards the police station. In my mind, I knew reporting the break in probably won’t help anything but I can hear my father’s words now.

Record everything. You never know when it might be useful later.

So, that’s what I’m doing. I’m going to the police station to record the break in and hope like hell it was just random and not specific. I had just stepped inside when I saw headlights shine through the window of the lobby. They caught the attention of the pretty, young officer behind the counter.

“How can I help you?” she asks politely.

“Yeah, I think someone broke into my apartment. When I got back to it earlier, the door knob had been broken and the door was open,” I explain and hold up the replacement door knob as some sort of proof.

“I’ll get the paperwork for you to fill out. Was anything missing?” she asks as she walks into the room behind the desk.

“Not that I could see,” I reply.

“Here you go,” she says. “I would like to say that we’ll be able to find the person who broke in but the chances are unlikely unless the start a string of break-ins.”

I smile. “I’m not expecting them to get caught but my dad always says to document everything so here I am.”

“Smart man,” she says with a laugh. “I’ll be right back.”

I nod my understanding and start filling out the paperwork. After a few seconds, someone stands beside me. I keep my eyes on the document in front of me, racking my brain one last time for anything missing in my apartment. I hear the officer reenter the lobby.

 “How may I help… you?” she asks, ending her question with a flirty tone.

This time I look up, a smile threatening its way on my face. It falls when I see the man she’s talking to. Derek. His green eyes focus on the deputy behind the desk who is clearly happy that this man walked into the station tonight. I turn my attention back to my paperwork. As their conversation unfolds, I bite the side of my cheek to keep from laughing. This man is a terrible flirt but the deputy doesn’t seem to care.

“I was- Sorry, I’m a bit thrown. I wasn’t expecting someone so…”

“So… me?” she asks.

“Well, I was gonna say so incredibly beautiful but I guess that would be the same thing,” he says.

A snort escapes me but I cover it up as a cough and sign my name to the paperwork. I hand the clipboard to the deputy who barely notices. Out of the corner of my eye, though, I see a guy, more specifically Stiles Stilinski, sneak past the front desk. Well, that explains the horrible flirting then. Handsome over here is the distraction.

“Restroom?” I ask with a polite smile.

“Down the hall, to the right,” she says and points. I excuse myself from the duo, noticing the quiet panic in Derek’s eyes. Disappearing around the corner, I leave him to his horrible flirting.

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