Chapter Two: Beacon Hills

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 I’m not sure where I’m going or really why I’m going there. All I really know is that I’m sitting on a bus, as I have been for the past fourteen hours, and that my phone keeps dinging with unread messages. Those started about ten hours ago and each one was from my sister. I check the obnoxious device again to see a new text. This one is from my dad and I grimace. It appears that my darling sibling decided to call in the big guns.

Sighing, I switch the phone off. I intend to contact them once I’m settled. There isn’t any point in contacting them until I know where it is I’m going. They will flip states in an attempt to find me.

I kick my feet onto the seats in front of me and curl further into my own. It’s a futile attempt to get comfortable. The burning pain in my side has yet to stop. My short legs are in desperate need of being stretched and my butt is steadily losing any and all feeling. Still, as the bus rocks me to and fro, I feel my eyelids grow heavy. I blink them open and fight against the drowsiness threatening to consume me.

Since that morning, my body has been trying to sleep continuously. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem. Especially on long bus rides. However, every time I close my eyes they fill with frightening images of an incredibly violent town and even stranger images of a girl running naked through the woods.

Eventually, though, I lose the battle and my eyes clamp shut.

Panic grips me as I take the stares two at a time. I swing myself into the make-shift living area of the broken down substation. I use my new vision to search out for the only person I know can help me.

“Derek!” I yell. Movement catches my gaze and I spot him standing inside one of the sub-cars. His eyes glow red through the darkness.

“My dad’s dead.” I say, breathlessly. Derek steps forward, his red eyes turning to a very human green.

“What did you do?” Derek asks calmly.

I shake my head. “That’s the thing. It wasn’t me.”

I open my mouth to explain what it was but found I couldn’t. I hadn’t seen it. Only heard it. I notice Derek narrow his eyes at me. His head is cocked to the side, listening for something. My heartbeat? Is he checking to see if I’m lying? I listen to my heart and its frantic beating. There’s an ache there. One I wasn’t expecting. I hate my dad. What he did to be is unacceptable but I can’t help think back to all the times before the ice box. No, I didn’t want his to die. I just wanted him to stop.

 “What happened?” Derek asks.

“I got angry. Really angry so I ran. I remembered what you said about anger triggering the shift and I ran. I found an alley and hid where I knew he couldn’t find me but then I heard the scream but it wasn’t his. It was high pitch and made the hairs on my neck rise,” I say in a rush. “By the time I got to him, he was dead. Derek, something ripped off the door.”

Derek presses his lips into a frown but doesn’t say anything. He turns away, deep in though. He’s thinking about what it might be. Maybe it was another one of us. Another player in town? But I knew we were both thinking the same thing. What if it wasn’t? What if this was something else entirely?


I startle awake. Shaking the dream away, it takes me a moment to realize that the bus has stopped moving and that it’s incredibly dark out. I check the time. 2:30 am. Other passengers are making their way to the front to step off and stretch their legs. I follow after them, grateful to find the bus stopped at a quick mart. I run inside and search for the caffeine tablets and energy drinks. The tablets are at the counter in small orange and black packages. I pick up a handful and set them on the counter. The cashier chuckles.

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