Chapter Nineteen: New Players

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Everything has gone horribly, horribly wrong. After spending an entire afternoon on the phone with my father, I left my apartment only to be met with a growing catastrophe. Matt is dead. He was drowned in a creek not too far away from the police station. The person who drowned him, and who now controls the kanima? Gerard. If that alone isn’t the worst thing imaginable, the twisted old man has also brainwashed Allison into helping hunt and kill Derek and his pack.

My knee repeatedly hits the top of my desk as it bounces up and down. Stiles is in the neighboring office, talking with Ms. Morrell. Before he went in, he informed of everything that had happened. I’m trying my best to take it well.

The nerves in my stomach are still jumbled up when the door to my office swings open. I jump slightly, startled at the sudden intrusion. A gush of air escapes my lips when I see an equally nervous Scott standing in the door way. He doesn’t even wait for me to motion him in before shutting the door and sitting in the chair across from my desk. For a moment, we sit in silence.

“Gerard threatened my mom. Again.”

“What does he want?” I ask.

Scott stares down at his hands. He fiddles and pulls at his fingers. Even though he doesn’t answer, I know. This entire situation is a puzzle and one-by-one the pieces are coming together. I let the name settle on my tongue, not quite liking it being there before finally voicing what Scott’s silence is telling me.


“I haven’t been able to reach Derek,” I say as quickly as possible. It won’t be long before Coach banishes me to the bleachers. Scott and Stiles sit beside me, pulling their gear on in preparation for the lacrosse game.

“Neither have I,” Scott admits.

I hesitate but continue anyway. “I’m not entirely sure he would come anyways.”

“I have to agree with her on this,” Stiles says.

Derek would willingly come to Scott’s aid whenever the younger wolf needs him but to willingly turn himself over to Gerard? There would have to be more riding on the line for him to come. I look out to the field where Jackson is already going through the motions of preparing for the game. Even from my seat I can see he’s not himself. Gerard is controlling him in this very moment.

“Your dad coming?” Scott asks Stiles.

“Yeah, he’s already here,” Stiles says and the three turn to see the Sheriff sitting beside Scott’s mom.

“Either of you seen Allison?” Scott asks.

“No, what about Lydia?” Stiles asks as I shake my head ‘no’ to both questions.

“Not yet,” Scott says.

The three of us fall into an uneasy silence. I look at Stiles who is looking out to the field, completely defeated. I’m sure my face mirrors his.

“You know what’s going on?” Stiles asks, breaking the silence.

“Not yet,” Scott replies.

Stiles is nervous. “It’s going to be bad, isn’t it? I mean, like, people screaming, running for their lives. Blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?”

Scott sighs. “Looks like it.”

“Scott, the other night, seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I’m just lying there and I can’t even move. It just… I want to help, you know, but I can’t do the things that you can do. I can’t…”

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