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I snuggle deeper into Derek’s warm embrace. The blankets tangle around our body, trapping us in the bed. It’s not like we’re attempting to leave anytime soon. With the issue of the kanima resolved, we collapsed into my bed and haven’t come out for much since. We know that there’s only so long before we have to go back to reality but neither of us is ready to break it.

Derek’s fingers run up and down my arm, causing goose bumps to rise on the flesh. He smiles and leans over to kiss them. His other hand props up his head so he can better look at me. He stops, though, when something catches his attention.

“What’s this?” he asks, tracing a small, intricate pattern of veins on my rib cage.

I shrug my confusion to him. It’s been there since the night Matt and the kanima attacked the sheriff’s station. Deep down, I think it has to do with my expanding abilities but I don’t tell Derek this. He has enough coming up onto his plate without worrying about my issues.

“It’s just a bruise,” I say convincingly. “A really weird bruise.”

I suspect he believes me. If he doesn’t, then he keeps his doubts to himself. Instead, he resumes his kissing and I revel in the normalcy of the situation. It’s limited. Derek’s already confessed to a new storm coming towards Beacon Hills. It’s a danger I’m familiar with. My dad has dealt with them before.

There’s something else, though. Something more dangerous than an alpha pack and everything’s going to change.

A/N: The mass of black veins will become important in the next book which will be entitled 'Changing Pace.' The relationship dynamics will be different in this next book. I already have it planned out some, and it's going to focus heavily on her and her budding abilities, but what would you guys like to see from Charlie? Who would you like to see her grow close to?

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