Chapter Eleven: Heart

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The broken down substation is exactly how I remember it. Rusty, dirty, and barely livable. Being here a second time, it’s no wonder that when the sun goes down Derek can be found either on my couch or in my bed. Lately it’s been in my bed. Well, until Monday. Since then, he’s been ignoring me.

I step off the last step and look around. At first glance, the room is empty but I know better. I know Derek enough to know that he’s here, watching as I take in my surroundings. He’s also probably hoping that I don’t guess that he’s there. Because if I do, he’ll feel compelled to come out and talk to me.

“Derek, I know you’re here. Might as well come out and talk to me,” I say.

I don’t hear him but I feel him. He stands behind me, close enough that his warm breath can be felt on the back of my neck. I ignore the goose bumps that he raises on my skin and turn to face him. He looks the same as I last saw him except I can see his actions still weighing heavy on his mind.

“What do you want?” he asks.

“I want to know if you’re okay,” I say.

He scoffs. “I’m fine. You can go.”

When he turns away from me, I grip his arm and pull him back. Derek, obviously used to be left alone in one of his moods, snarls dangerously at me. I ignore it. It isn’t the first time a werewolf has been annoyed with me. I’m certain it won’t be the last.

“No, you’re not. You can tell me the truth,” I say.

“You mean how I nearly killed an innocent, teenage girl?”

He shows it to me then. The pain in his heart at his actions. The fear that he might be becoming a monster. I’ve seen it before. It’s the same fear every werewolf experiences once in their life. He worries he’s losing his humanity.

“But you didn’t,” I say. He starts to shake his head and I step closer. “No, Derek, listen. Your decision was flawed and impulsive. I’m not going to lie to you and say it wasn’t but you were doing what you thought you needed to do to protect your town. Despite needing to learn a different way, your decision came from a good place.”

“And where was that?”

I take another step closer and hesitantly raise a hand and place it over his heart. He closes his eyes at my touch and I almost expect him to pull my hand away but he doesn’t. I feel the steady, rhythmic beating of his heart and can’t help the smile when I feel it thump a little faster.

“Your heart.”

Derek grips my hand with his. His chest heaves with each breath and I curl my fingers around his. He opens his eyes, catching me in their desirable depths. I feel his fingers dance over my cheek, leaving a trail of electricity as they cup around it. My eyes close and his lips touch mine.

At first, Derek’s lips are gentle against mine but as the weeks of tension between us spill into the kiss it takes a deep, passionate turn. His hands travel away from my cheeks and to my waist where he grips almost painfully. My feet leave the ground and our faces are brought to the same height. I wrap my legs around his waist as he holds me close.

His tongue dances with my own and a hand snakes up the back of my shirt massaging the skin there. I scrape my fingers through his hair, grinning at the shudder of breath he takes. It isn’t until my back hits a pillar that I realize he had moved us. He pins me against the stone wall with his body, allowing his hands the freedom to do what they please.

Almost too quickly, Derek pulls away. His eyes shift to the top of the stairs and he allows me to slide down the front of his body. I follow his gaze to find Stiles and an Erica carrying Scott appear at the top of the stairs. I’ve only managed to readjust everything by the time they make it down the stairs. I realize Erica is seizing in Scott’s arms.

Derek pulls the injured blonde from Scott’s arms and carries her into a sub-car. I start to follow but freeze. Cold darkness washes over me and fills my chest. I grip tight and take a few steps back. That’s when I hear it. The high pitch, frightened scream of dread.


A/N: It's short. I know but I tried to make up for it by putting in the Derek and Charlie kiss. Speaking of which, anyone have any ship names for these two? Can't seem to think of any.

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