Chapter Ten: Impulse Decisions

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The door to my apartment slams shut behind me and I begin stripping wet clothes from my body. My body shivers as the air in my apartment meets bare skin and I grab for Derek’s shirt. I just spent over an hour with Scott and Stiles answering their questions about who or what I am. Stiles and I stood shivering the entire time.

Once I’ve slipped a pair of sweats on over my legs, I feel a pair of eyes on me. He hasn’t been here the whole time. I would’ve felt him. I look up to the doorway to see him standing there in dry clothing. His jacket hangs loose on his shoulders and he stares at me.

“You’re shaking,” Derek says. He removes his jacket and places it around my shoulders. The gesture doesn’t surprise me much. It’s him pulling me against him that surprises me. I can’t complain, though. Werewolves run warmer than humans.

“Thanks,” I whisper. Silence falls around us but it isn’t the usual, easy silence that we share in the car rides when he takes me to work. This one is loaded with unsaid words. His chest heaves with a sigh.

“Say it.”

“Scott’s not wrong,” I say. “About needing help fighting this thing.”

“You think I should trust the Argents, too?” Derek asks. His heartbeat increases at the thought. I shake my head.

“No. I think you should trust Scott,” I reply.

He doesn’t respond. Instead, he raises up and brings me into his arms. I’m surprised when he carries me over to my bed and lays down with me. Derek holds me flush against his chest, his warmth spreading through me like a wildfire. There is a very, small part of me that tells me to push away from him but then another part of me—the part that relishes having his arms around me—told that other part to shut up.

The weekend came and went. Scott, Stiles, and I spent Saturday and Sunday researching as much as we can about the kanima and trying to find any clues about who it might be. Derek hasn’t been around much. I figure it’s something to do with his pack. Still, though, it’s strange not seeing him in my apartment each night.

My phone dings at my desk Monday morning and I glance at it, expecting to see another text from my dad. I’ve started sending one or two texts a day to let me family know I’m alive and well but that only invites a torrent of texts. This one, however, is from Stiles.

Isaac and Erica think Lydia’s the kanima. –Stiles.

I frown. Why would they think that? The girl hasn’t been involved with anything supernatural since… Since the night she was bitten by an alpha. Derek must think she’s the kanima.

Derek thinks it’s her. Does he have any proof?—Charlie

No clue. We think he’s going to test her. –Stiles


There’s a moment of silence while I wait for the answer. When talking to Derek, I left out the possible connection I might have with Lydia. It didn’t seem important enough to share it with him. I did, however, share this with Stiles and Scott seeing as how they’re friends with the girl. My phone dings again.

Chemistry. Right now. – Stiles.

Now, the question remains, will Derek kill Lydia if she doesn’t pass whatever test he has for her? I’m running through the many different scenarios in my mind, completely unaware of time, when my phone dings again. I feel my heart drop.

He used the kanima venom as the test. She didn’t pass.—Stiles.

That doesn’t mean anything. I’m immune to the venom.—Charlie

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