Chapter Six: Scream

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I pop another Advil and ignore Derek’s suspicious glare. I ignore him. At some point during the night, the alpha had slipped inside the apartment and fallen asleep on my couch. This also meant that he was witness to my disruptive sleep. There are faint circles under his eyes, matching my own.

He wants to ask if I’m okay. I can sense it almost as much as he can sense that I’m in pain. Whereas Derek can sniff out a feeling and hear a lie, I can read body language and his rigid, wide-eyed posture is incredibly telling. Finally, he loses the battle inside.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing. Just a headache,” I say. It’s just enough truth to keep him from realizing I’m lying.

He pulls up outside of the school and I slide out of the passenger seat. I’m about to close the door but I stop. Derek, who had already readied himself to drive away, stills as he watches the blonde contemplate something. I lean over to look into the car and say the last thing he ever expected to hear.

“Derek, be careful.”

Morrell actually managed to get me out of my office for lunch today. This explains why I’m currently trying to maneuver my way around hyper-active teenage boys who never really escaped elementary school. I retrieve my food and turn to find the teachers table. In the process, I locate a pair of familiar hazel eyes watching me.


We haven’t spoken since the night at the police station. I meant to but there hasn’t been much time. In fact, it’s hard to schedule time to talk to a high school boy without it looking bad on a staff member. No matter how unromantic the conversation is. He looks at his friend and nods over to me. A pair of curious, dark brown eyes locate me but they’re only on me for a second.

Every gaze in the cafeteria turns to the east entrance when a pretty, leggy blonde catwalks into the room. She saunters over to a nearby table, grabs an apple from a boy’s tray, and bites into it. I clinch my jaw tight to keep it from dropping. She sets the apple down, sends a smug smirk to Stiles and his friend and walks out of the cafeteria.

Stiles and his friend jump up from their seats and rush after the blonde. I’m much more subtle in my departure from the lunch room. Scott and Stiles are staring down at a very familiar black Camaro when I join them on the steps.

The girl slips into the car and the driver turns to look at the two boys. He notices me behind them but smiles anyways. Stiles, his friend, and I watch as Derek drives away once his point is proven to the two boys. I cross my arms over my chest and frown.

“There’s one more,” I say causing the two boys to jump. Maybe I should’ve announced myself before?

Stiles and his friend turn to face me with identical looks of disbelief on their face. I admit. It is strange to be talking so freely about the supernatural with a stranger. Especially when that stranger is working at your school as a counselor.

“What do you mean?” Stiles asked.

“If he doesn’t already have a third, he’s going to turn at least one more person,” I say.

“How do you know this?” his friend asks.

I shrug. “Typical newbie-alpha behavior. They go after the socially weak links but they usually do it in threes. Chances are he already has one in sight.”

“How do you know all of this? Who are you?” Stiles friend asks again.

“Scott, maybe we have bigger problems to worry about right now,” Stiles says.

Scott sighs and looks at me. “How are we supposed to find the third one?”

“Go straight to the source. If that doesn’t work, then open your eyes and take a look around. Look at who he’s picked so far and go from there.” I answer. The bell rings, signaling the end of the lunch period. I go to excuse myself.

“Wait, who are you?” Scott asks.

“Charlie,” I say and I see it’s not the answer he expects. “I will tell you more, I promise. Right now, though, you have to pretend to be normal students and I have to pretend to be a normal counselor.”

“Another late night?” Morrell asks from my doorway. I look up, pen dangling from my mouth and I chuckle. It was already past eight and the other counselor decided to call it a night.

“Looks like it,” I say as I pull the pen away from my lips.

“Have a nice night, then,” she says and leaves.

I go back to the file I’ve been reading over for the past thirty minutes. It’s a fairly new file. The girl hasn’t even been in for a session yet. The few things gathered here are a few statements from doctors and her parent’s. I mark another note and bring the pen back to my lips while resting my forehead against my hand.

I twirl around on the ice. It feels like forever since I’ve actually been able to enjoy myself. Here no one is watching me. Well, no one who expects me to do something crazy that is. I stop doing my fancy twirls and twists on the ice and skate towards the boy I’m supposed to be hanging out with. He stares with his jaw dropped open. I bite back the smile and I offer him a hand.

Together, we skate circles past our friends. With him attached to my hand, I can’t do my special moves but I have fun anyways. He’s not a terrible skater. Not as bad as his friend, at least. After several minutes of skating with the boy, we separate so he can watch me skate some more.

Neither of us really seem to notice that our other two friends have disappeared somewhere inside the rink. No doubt to make out. While I’m skating, I feel my skate loosen so I stop to retie it. That’s when I see them.

Little purple petals litter the icy floor. They trail their way to a flower growing up from the ice. Confused, and more than a little terrified, I rub the sleeves of my dress against the surface to clear the ice shavings and fog. Underneath, crazed and violently beating at the ice, is the man who bit me. I scream loud and long not realizing that across town a blonde counselor was mimicking my screams.

Authors note: The connection and the dreams will be explained later. It won't be anytime in this book. Currently, Charlie just assumes it's cause her and Lydia are the same. My plan is to bring the two characters together at some point. That'll probably happen in the next book.

How do you want Lydia to react to Charlie? Do you want them to have an easy friendship or be unwanted allies?

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