Chapter Twenty: Common Enemies

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Scott, Isaac, and I follow Derek and Peter out into the parking lot. Despite feeling safer with Derek, I stand on the other side of Isaac which puts me farthest from Peter who keeps eyeing me. Derek opens the door to his black Camaro and motions for everyone to pile in.

“Where are we going?” I ask, stepping up to the door when it comes my turn to crawl into the already cramped back seat. Despite being slender, Scott and Isaac’s forms take up all but a small space. It doesn’t look comfortable.

“To my… Damn it,” Derek says as he realizes the issue with taking me back to his house. There are scars on my body from the last time I walked inside that house. I’m not enjoying the idea of having to go back.

“What is it?” Scott asks from inside.

I step away from the passenger door and move around Derek, still keeping as much distance between mine and Peter’s body. Derek, as observant as he usually is, eyes the two of us suspiciously. Well, mostly Peter. I pull the alpha over to the driver’s side and open his door. The passenger door closes quietly on the other side.

“Go,” I say. “I’ll go to the hospital. Someone needs to keep an eye on Jackson.”

“Someone else, you mean,” Derek says forcefully. “Need I remind you he’s a paralyzing lizard?”

“Need I remind you that I’m immune?”

I raise up onto the tips of my toes and peck his cheek. When I pull away, Derek still looks dead-set against me going to the hospital. Instead of saying anything, he wraps an arm around me and jerks me into a kiss.

“You two do know there’s a psychotic hunter controlling a deadly kanima, right?” Peter asks from inside the car.

“I’m gonna do this. Okay, I’m gonna do this,” Melissa says as she amps herself up to open the body bag. I let the morgue’s door close behind me, a loud click echoing through the silent room. Melissa jumps as she turns to face me. I smile sheepishly at her.

“Sorry,” I say and walk over to her. “What’re you doing?”

“When they loaded him into the ambulance, I noticed this slime pouring out of the bag,” Melissa explains. She points to something on the floor. We kneel down to get a better look.

“Here,” she says and hands me a cylinder probe.

I scoop up a large glob of the stuff, examining it closely. It’s clear but appears to be sticky. Much like the venom in his claws. I sigh and throw the stick into a nearby trashcan.

“It’s his venom,” I say to her.

“Why is there so much?” Melissa asks.

Honestly, I’m not too sure but I have a feeling Peter’s right. This isn’t over. I lean over the black bag and grip the cool, silver zipper in my fingers. Melissa stands on the other side of the table, watching and holding her breath. I slowly drag the zipper down, careful not to jostle the body too much, and pull the plastic open.

“What the hell?” Melissa and I say at the same time.

I look up at her. “Call Scott.”

Melissa digs out her cell phone while I study the clear cocoon that Jackson is currently in. I tentatively poke it with my finger. The casing is hard and slick. It would be hard for an enemy to hurt Jackson in this condition.

“Oh, yeah, I’m so freaked out that I can barely talk either,” Melissa says into the phone. I glance up to see her turned away from Jackson. I don’t blame her. This isn’t an everyday sight.

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