Chapter Fourteen: Raving

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-I see him. Jackson’s here.—Charlie

I send the message as a group to Scott, Stiles, and Derek. The person in question is standing fifteen feet away from me and staring at a woman across the room. She is oblivious to Jackson’s glare. Her eyes are observing the large, dancing crowd of people. When I turn my attention back to Jackson, he’s disappeared. I stand from my seat only to be grabbed by my shoulder.

A startled gasp escapes my lips and I knock the hand away from me. As I turn to push the person away, I see it’s Isaac and Erica who had grabbed me. Both wear identical smirks on their faces at my wide-eyed gaze.

“Haven’t you heard of saying hello?” I yell over the music.

“Where is he?” Isaac asks instead of answering.

“He was over by that wall but he moved. I think he’s after that girl over there,” I reply and point to the party promoter.

“Okay,” Isaac yells and then looks back to me. “Now, get out of here.”

The two werewolves waltz away from me and I honestly consider helping them. Derek’s voice fills my mind and I decide against it. There are enough problems going around without adding an angry Derek to the pile. I find my way outside where Scott and Stiles are standing by Stiles’ jeep. Scott runs past me muttering curses to himself.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I join Stiles by his jeep.

“Plan officially sucks now,” he says back to me. He jerks the bags of mountain ash out of his jeep.

“You can do this, Stiles,” I say to him. “I believe in you.”

He eyes me skeptically before sighing.


We begin the long process of Stiles pouring the mountain ash around the building. I go with him to keep him encouraged and to make sure no one messes with him while he performs his task. We’re over halfway finished with the task when we hear gun shots. Distracted by them, I barely hear Stiles groan of despair. I look at him and see only a handful of mountain ash in his hands.

“What do we do?” he asks, panicked.

“Believe, Stiles. Just see what you want it to do in your mind’s eye,” I say. A loud growl interrupts our thoughts and I have to force myself to stand in front of Stiles. I know exactly who those bullets are meant for and I ache to go to him but I don’t. Stiles needs me more.

“Charlie! There’s gun shots and there’s only a little bit left. There’s still at least fifty feet to go,” Stiles complains.

I look around us and spot a bumper sticker with an Einstein quote and point it out to Stiles. It seems to do the trick. I step back and watch as Stiles closes his eyes and walks the fifty feet it takes to complete circle. He stops, his head hanging when the last bit of mountain ash leaves his hand. I’m smiling, waiting for him to realize his accomplishment.

He looks down at the ground and then back to where I’m standing. We smile at each other as he does a few victory jumps. I move to step over the mountain ash but am tossed backwards onto my butt. Stiles quickly runs over and helps me to my feet.

“Well, I guess that proves I’m supernatural,” I say jokingly. Stiles laughs and his phone cuts into the night air. He looks at the message.

“They have him.”

“Woah! It’s just us,” Stiles says when we run into the room that Isaac and Erica are holding Jackson in. The two werewolves back away from the door and relax. Stiles and I look at Jackson who appears to be unconscious in a chair.

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