Chapter Seven: Death Strikes

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Advil. Where’s the damn Advil? I slam cabinet doors close as I eliminate each one as a location for the blue pill. I had hoped that my screaming session earlier that night would have helped elevate the headache but it hadn’t’. Instead, it made it worse. Maybe it’s because I tapped into the girl’s conscious instead of my own. Either way, I’m ready to kill someone to get rid of this headache.

I was throwing clothes out of my suitcase when I heard it. A soft thud coming from the bathroom, indicating that someone had just come in through the window. Temporarily abandoning my search for my beloved medication, I walk over to the kitchen table and pick up the shining object.

When Derek steps out from the bathroom, he seems genuinely surprised that I’m not already asleep. His surprise only grow when he sees the key I’m holding up to him. He eyes it suspiciously as though it might electrocute him if he touches it. I sigh impatiently and slip a finger into his front pocket of his jeans to pull the fabric away and I drop the key into it.

“You’re giving me a key?” he asks.

I don’t answer. Not until I find the Advil. Then I can answer questions with obvious answers. It isn’t until I search through my messenger bag that I find the little bottle and I dump two out and swallow them dry. I feel Derek’s eyes on me as I down the two little pills.

“I figure it’s better than you continuously breaking in,” I reply.

“You’re not mad at me?” he asks and I stare at him, eyebrows raised.

“Why would I be mad at you?”

“I recruited another beta,” he says simply.

“And you’re going to recruit another one. A fact that Stiles and Scott know about by the way,” I say. Derek stares. I shrug my shoulders. “You’re an alpha. A new one at that. You have your reasons for wanting to create a pack and they’re none of my business.”

Derek nods his understanding. If I didn’t know any better, I almost think he is relieved by my words. He finally leaves the doorway of the bathroom and settles into his spot on the couch. I join him, placing my head in my hands and letting out a long, deep breath. Really, all I want to do is let out a long, deep scream but then people will think I’m crazy and lock me away.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and am pulled against a strong shoulder. Normally I would pull away but my body sags against his side as some of the pain leaves my body. It takes me a moment to realize that he’s pulling the pain from me and into him. I gather all my strength to pull his warm hand away from my bare arm. Derek frowns.

“I’m fine. You don’t need to do that,” I say.

He looks like he might argue but decides against it. Instead he returns his arm back to his own side and studies me. I bite the inside of my cheek, waiting for whatever he intends to say. Immense relief washes over me when he leans against the back of the couch and closes his eyes.

I have yet to fall asleep by the time the sun rises in the sky. In fact, I haven’t even moved from my spot on the couch. Derek sleeps soundly beside me, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm. I stand from the couch and feel muscles popping from lack of a use. The movement jostles Derek from his sleep.

He blinks away the remainders of his dream and finds me standing and stretching. I feel the scrutiny burn a hole through my back and resolve to not let him see my face until I can apply enough makeup to hide the circles. Unfortunately, one can resolve not to do something around a werewolf all they want. Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

A strong hand grips my upper arm and turns me around. Startled by the sudden movement, I lose my balance and fall against the muscled chest of the wolf. There is a moment of struggle where I try to regain my footing and Derek tries to get me to look at him. In the end, he grabs both arms and lifts me enough to settle me back down onto my feet while simultaneously lifting my gaze to his.

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